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  1. C

    Does God exist?

    is it anything like fearing hitler?
  2. C

    Does God exist?

    the whole purpose of our existence is to fear & obey our creator? sounds like a pretty poor existence to be honest i think no meaning is better than that meaning EDIT: luckily there's no reason to think it's true
  3. C

    The science of it all

    u shud google it ho not too many biochemists on bos, lol This looks like a good start
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    The science of it all

    electrical nerve impulses and concentration gradients explains everything!
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    The science of it all

    baby u make my brain trigger the release of hormones that induce sexual arousal :o
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    dog off the menu at olympics

    its "customs" are also really dirty, lol
  7. C

    Does God exist?

    Before you can look meaningfully at "why are we here" you'd first need to establish that there is a reason why we're here in the first place Darwinism seems to suggest that there isn't really (not conclusively as such but it's just the fact that we only came to be because the environment at the...
  8. C

    dog off the menu at olympics China bans dog from Olympic menu China has ordered dog meat to be taken off the menu at its 112 official Olympic restaurants in order to avoid offending foreign visitors. Restaurant workers are advised to "patiently" suggest other options...
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    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    And more importantly, how the hell are you supposed to know you want to marry someone before you even start the relationship? "hey, what have you got planned for the next 50 years?"
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    non-school and new members

    it just increases the number of stupid posts in L&R and NCAP :D
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    World Youth Day 08

    omg they've censored #@%!$ too
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    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    haha what the hell so every time i ask a girl out it's coz i think i'm going to be with her for the rest of my life? no wonder u've never had bf/gfs, lol
  13. C

    Does God exist?

    Where exactly was my assessment as to why people believe in god? And what could be more important than whether it's real or not?
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    Does God exist?

    but none of it has any bearing on whether it's true or not
  15. C

    Does God exist?

    Re: 回复: Re: Does God exist?
  16. C

    Does God exist?

    well there isn't really anything to debate is there? the whole 'god' idea is a bit of a non-starter as far as evidence is concerned, it's just some people can couch their delusion in slightly more intellectual terms than your ordinary church goer
  17. C

    Does God exist?

    Re: 回复: Re: Does God exist? i think dan is better at this, stick to posting sluts :p
  18. C

    isreali- paleistine

    haha i know wasn't rly my idea, some of the bos crazies seem to think so though :D