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  1. C

    Does God exist?

    it's not that hard to grasp if you read a biology textbook it's just as hard in some sense to grasp that every piece of matter in the entire universe is attracted to every other piece of matter in the universe by some sort of force that's inversely proportional to the square of the distance...
  2. C

    Does God exist?

    Not until you get at least a ~year 9 level understanding of the Big Bang theory and stop saying bullshit like "some kind of matter exploding", lol
  3. C

    School Chaplaincy

    what odds for a successful campaign against no-tax-for-religion? or are 'the religious' still a meaningful voting demographic? :eek:
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    School Chaplaincy

    ok great, just do it in your own time with your own money thanks
  5. C

    School Chaplaincy

    secular = amoral, and not teaching children between right (jesus) and wrong (homosexuality)
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    School Chaplaincy

    :confused: what Schroedinger said implies nothing about his views on education he just correctly stated that no religion should have the right to state funding in a secular society :confused: :confused: :confused:
  7. C

    Does God exist?

    The poor guy has had his words used to justify every theological & political stance imaginable :D
  8. C

    What is so good about being a virgin?

    it's been done
  9. C

    Changes to Science Education

    oh god education subjects = mickey mouse do a few readings and write 3 or 4 essays and that's it, not even on the same level as a science subject in any way and most of it's the most asinine, self-justifying crap... ... basically they're scrapping the DipEd so your only option will be the 2...
  10. C

    Any weather freaks?

    lol mods it's not offensive if he really is autistic
  11. C

    World Youth Day 08

    that'll comfort the aids victims in africa, lol LATEX HAS MICROSCOPIC HOLES PUT THERE BY THE DEVIL
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    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official A-League Thread. merrick :lol:
  13. C

    World Youth Day 08

    Re: Condoms For All tbh anyone who has issues with homosexuality is an idiot regardless of religion :D
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    World Youth Day 08

    Re: Condoms For All nah, only the 'stupid' gene :D
  15. C

    World Youth Day 08

    Re: Condoms For All sure you're not talking about the church's stances on sex, contraception, priests, gays, and women? :D
  16. C

    Does God exist?

    oi chadd watch channel 7 rite now :o
  17. C

    Does God exist?

    obviously it's just speculation, i'm more of a fan of Copenhagen myself anyway :D but it opens up the possibility of different universes, some of which might have disappeared almost immediately, others expanding but never forming matter, and a few forming the range of objects & life we see in...
  18. C

    France rejects veiled Muslim wife

    well, that's one ISLAM who is not COMING afterall
  19. C

    Does God exist?

    i sort of mentioned before the many worlds interpretation of QM suggests that anything that can happen, will happen or in terms of before time existing, everything that can be, is so it's quite possible anything that could possibly spontaneously appear has, somewhere or another
  20. C

    Rules for Customers

    yeah it is get more white bread!