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  1. C

    World Youth Day 08

    Re: Condoms For All NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione said the decision would have no impact on policing of World Youth Day events. so why were the laws necessary in the first place you retarded steaming sacks of shit?
  2. C

    Does God exist?

    <3 bell's theorem :D
  3. C

    World Youth Day 08

    Re: Court rejects WYD annoyance laws usually because THE ISLAMS ARE COMING
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    World Youth Day 08

    Re: Court rejects WYD annoyance laws the people that matter DO NOT CARE, that's why our civil liberties have been slowly eroded at state and federal level for years with minimal complaints (and anyone who does is portrayed as a hippy by the murdochitler press)
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    The science of it all

    i'm pretty sure i felt an arrow go in when i saw u bb
  6. C

    The science of it all

    i think love is actually caused by Eros shooting you with a magical arrow every time you're attracted to someone u can't prove me wrong lulz
  7. C

    Does God exist?

    On the other hand, he probably could spell his name correctly :D
  8. C

    Does God exist?

    I think this is a likely option If anything that can happen will happen (one possible interpretation of QM, the many-worlds interpretation) then there's no reason why eventually a universe couldn't spontaneously form we already know virtual particles spontaneously form and disappear everywhere...
  9. C

    Does God exist?

    that's not necessarily true, if you leave it there for eternity something could come into existence spontaneously maybe an entire universe
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    Semiconductors - Solid State - Transistors

    Solid state physics is the study of solids (obviously), things like crystal structure/lattices, movement of electrons, and properties like electrical & thermal conductivity our knowledge of semiconductors (and therefore transistors and other semiconductor devices) came from solid state...
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    Does God exist?

    why won't you share your views with us?
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    World Youth Day 08

    On this day in history: - World Youth Day starts (2008) - Crusaders complete the siege of Jerusalem & massacre its inhabitants (1099) :D
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    Sexism in Religion

    does this rly need its own thread?
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    Does God exist?

    agreed the correct dichotomy is Christianity vs EVIL DEVIL WORSHIPPING HITLERS
  15. C

    Does God exist?

    well something like 1 in 8 (??) of all people you meet is going to have no religion (unless u join one of them cults how u can't talk to non-cult-members) so u probably know more than u think :o
  16. C

    Does God exist?

    god is not your personal army
  17. C

    Does God exist?

    no but muslims believe the quran was written down by god himself, at the beginning of time most xtians acknowledge the books of the bible were originally penned by humans at least lol, children being mauled by bears is funny? :S
  18. C

    Does God exist?

    i reckon if you were going to put your blind faith in a book, the koran's a better choice than the bible because - they unambiguously believe it's the 100% word of god, not this sort-of-inspired mucking around you have with the bible, and - it has a lot less internal contradictions
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    Does God exist?

    2 Kings 2:23-24
  20. C

    Does God exist?

    he did send bears to kill children one time watch out for bears riet :o