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  1. H

    Hair Straighteners

    my hair is very curly, but i think blowdrying your hair straight is much more effective. Its faster, cheaper, looks better...i bought myself a super powerful hairdryer from some hairdresser warehouse but you can get ones like that in myer even. Grab a good brush and with practice your hair will...
  2. H

    Anyone Know Where I can Find This???

    OR just show that pic to a dressmaker and they'll make it for you
  3. H


    um i remember that on fri between 7-9am webCT was having sever maintenance stuff going on and so it wouldn't be available
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    Curls and Perms

    re: frizz conditioners/shampoo's you essentially need a shampie and conditioner which is tops at moisturising, the reason why hair frizzes is because your hair goes dry and it breaks, or they're baby hairs just growing out..a moisturing one will help keep your hair more sleek. I personally...
  5. H

    BOS MACQ ppl... post ur PHOTO!!

    well she and i do so NER! :p ;)
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    whos style do you love?

    on another note, i loathe xtina aguilera's style /spew
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    whos style do you love?

    SJP without a doubt
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    helping guys shop

    na, they probably just want a girl's opinion i mean, most clothing is out there to make you look good right? some people want to hear what's hot and what's not from the target audience themselves...
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    Paul Frank is your friend

    mmm on the contrary paul frank REALLY shits me
  10. H

    baggy pants

    i'm pretty sure marcs sell wide leg trousers, same with morrisey and perhaps try witchery too? go to factory outlets as well because they're cheaper and have older stock (i think wide leg will be in there from older stock) although i own one pair of wide legs, i really am loving the TIGHT...
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    Dread Locks

    it can look funky on some guys, but i'm the type of girl who just likes to run her fingers through guys hair, so a non-dreaded boy is prefferable :p
  12. H

    What's the best hair dye for black hair?

    yes lemon juice is a natural bleach, but it will make the hair reddish if you wanna use it just soak your hair in it and sit in the sun
  13. H

    Sportsgirl - yay or nay?

    i've seen one there, i think it was in civic?
  14. H

    what to do

    lol, does this remind any of you that seinfeld ep where george wants to borrow a cashmere sweater and he was rejected because his neck was too fat and he'd stretch out theneckhole? :p
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    whats with those industrie shirts

    omg thats exactly how i felt about those singlets girls wear with patches of differently printed material on top of the bustline, they're freaking everywhere! oh and cotton on make great polos for guys
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    lingerie/undies <3

    cancan is good, they have most brands and a lot of sales for the sets i've picked up some comfortable and cute kookai, elle and oroton sets there. peter alexander's alright too
  17. H

    LCMD for law and justice/human rights

    they're DEFINATELY needed :p R v Laws- rule of law R v Castel- equality of outcomes/rule of law Anti Discrimination Act- formal equality
  18. H

    The Crime LCMD thread

    townie i noticed you're at usyd now?! what happened to ANU? R v SLD- doli incapax, factors affecting criminal behaviour R v B Skaf- the King of all cases, falls basically under every dot point
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    Question for all with pre-trials

    might be late but, do a search on the forum, i vaguely remember people posting them up
  20. H

    World Order or Global Environment?????

    world order!!! its bloody easy and you have VERY little legislation/points to remember, when analysing the effectiveness of the international legal system in ANY legal issue it all boils down back to one thing: political will of nation states, just do it trust me its so interesting don't...