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  1. H

    wat type of crime is keeping porn?

    it is a mixture of crimes mentioned above (economic and person) and if its a porno sharing website it can extend into international crime (transational)
  2. H


    1) All of them are really special and add certain value to the show, but George is my fave! he's bald, stocky and has weird theories nobody agrees with, his constant lying to get him through life cracks me up 2) i like everyone! if i has to choose: Jerry 3) omg there ssoooo many...
  3. H

    a typical questions of gases

    hmmm bit of a weird question...normally i'd use the "volume of 1 mole ideal gas at RTP = 24.47L/mol" but thats for conditions 1atm presure and 25 deg cels. your conditions are slightly different though so hmmm, not sure.. i dont really know but i guess i'd just go 1 mole = 24.47 L...
  4. H

    Using states

    depends on the marker, but if you did it would be very very small marks lost
  5. H

    is it weird when the girl is heaps taller than the guy?

    call me nuts, but i sometimes think couples with a huge height difference is really cute :p
  6. H


    :) /me points to sig
  7. H

    Best tutoring colleges

    i did Kumon in primary school and i didn't really like it :p i don't think it helped me out much because i didn't have the self dedication to do it, i'm not sure how effective it is in high school/senior yrs they teach english and maths, i went for maths
  8. H

    Favourite item of clothing

    it changes a lot but atm my bracewell denim jacket and marcs skinny jeans
  9. H

    Cheap Designers?

    ahahahahha omg i hate that "Can i help you with anything?" me: *jawdrop* *drooool* damn sales girls have to be freakin models all the time :p
  10. H

    Sex b4 marriage

    whats okay to do? what are our limits? it really depends up to each persons moral and ethical beliefs, people value sexual intimacy in different ways you can't just pinpoint what is 'right or wrong' for everybody
  11. H


    oh ok, i understand that...what about if the second reaction was in equilibrium and denoted by a double arrow, would that change anything?...just curious cause i don't know :p
  12. H


    ok maybe i'm wrong, but generally never rely on your teacher :p rely on the syllabus :p my teachers skipped soooo much stuff, but at the end of the day, the baord of studies expects you to know it
  13. H


    really? i'm not sure but i dunno i went with A...cause you're adding sulfate anyway to the system, wouldn't it shift left according to LCP anyway?...not sure tho...hmm i get your point about sulfate being a bad proton acceptor but i dont getw hy it wont change anything...
  14. H

    Cheap Designers?

    go to market city or DFO went to DFO last weekend picked up a pair of jeans and wide leg black pants at morrisey for only around $60, and same thing at Marcs: i got skinny jeans for $64! massive savings !
  15. H

    Legal Half Yearly Study Thread

    best way to be prepared for exams: have CASE STUDIES!!!!!!!! for the love of god have case studies to back everything up, its just like english, evidence gets you marks..remember "luke cuddle me darling" are the equivalent of 'techniques' in the english syllabus, ok :p so its very important...
  16. H

    2004 HSC Legal Studies Exam

    hmmm i did this paper :p i got 92 in the exam so if you guys need ideas on what to write on for crime or whatever i'm here (i did world order and indigenous peoples)
  17. H

    oxidation reduction problem important

    tip: the oxidising agent/oxidant is what CAUSES something else to oxidise, it itself reduces the reducing agent/reductant is what CAUSES somethign else to reduce, it itself oxidises
  18. H


    you do need to know the standard hydrogen electrode, it's a syllabus dot point! just know - its purpose (allocated the E0 value of 0.00V so it could be used as a standard to measure other E0 values ) - what it is made of (platinum electrode in a 1M H+ solution with Hydrogenhas bubbled through...
  19. H

    hydration of ethene

    or just think that the 'ds' can't be together ie dehydration --> strong sulfuric acid hydration --> dilute sulfuric acid get me?
  20. H

    you decide!!! pt. 2

    it's difficult for us to decide for you! but you should give your interests priority, do you want a career in mktg or retail? keeping in mind you don't know if you'll fail ecmt!