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  1. H

    Traffic Light Party

    i didn't know about it lol
  2. H

    do you prefer the lights on or off?

    me three lights dimmed
  3. H

    VSU Emergency Rally - Tommorow (Wed 16th)

    wtf? shomah farsi balady?
  4. H

    would you do it?

    i personally want to feel finacially secure and just everything stable all around me before i plunge into marriage, but if those conditions were met and i found the right person and i just so happened to be 18, then i guess i'd go for it, if you know its right and you'll do it anyway then why wait?
  5. H

    how do YOU flirt

    you get 10% discount when you present your orange member union card
  6. H

    how do YOU flirt

    thats only on weekends :uhhuh:
  7. H

    sac tutoring

    ive never heard of a sac tutor! how weird :p sacs pretty easy, i dont see why u need a tutor, but then again i guess if you have a crap teacher at school u might need one?
  8. H

    how have people asked you out?

    once i was asked out by someone who sent me his "script" and wanted me to look over it, he said he had trouble writing the ending. It ended up being a dialogue between me and him and him asking me out, i thought it was pretty sweet :p its original ideas like that which make the moment just a...
  9. H

    lab equipment

    yeah i got goggles there, $5, pretty funky! :p
  10. H

    Maths SSP

    :( better luck next time justin, and i know u can get HDs if u put ur mind to it :D
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    trouble with question

    tip for any yr 10 students...DONT sleep throuhg yr 11 chem! it forms the fundamental basics you need for yr 12!
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    lab equipment

    i got mine from Lab C in the chemistry building
  13. H

    Finding rooms

    today i had to move from carslaw to chemistry building and then to bosch, so it was all kinda on the way atleast..
  14. H

    attention gay blokes

    can you make a more useless and irrelevant post? :p and johnson took the words right out of my e-mouth
  15. H

    Which clubs/societies did you join today?

    amnesty international and the un society
  16. H

    How to get a b/f

    you shouldn't really worry anyway, like asy said having a boyfriend/girlfriend is overrated, and you're only 16! you have so much time ahead of you and don't get caught up worrying about these things, its better to get a boyfriend when the time is right for you, and the right guy comes along...
  17. H

    Who was your first celebrity crush?

    ricky martin *hands head in shame* i was like in year 5, okay!
  18. H

    Is there anything u won't do for your gf/bf

    take it up the ass is the first one which comes to mind :p
  19. H

    Lectures being taped/recorded

    really? they have taped lectures? why do people even go then? i never heard of such a thing...