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  1. Fizzy_Cyst

    Physics Tutoring for HSC 2015 -- NEED BAND 6 STUDENTS!!! PROVEN RESULTS!!!

    Still a space in my Saturday 2pm-4pm class. Contact me if interested :)
  2. Fizzy_Cyst

    School Rankings 2014

    I know a couple of the science teachers at Good Sam, they are excellent teachers. Possibly just a poor cohort? Apparently Freemans 2013 cohort was quite weak. Our 2016 cohort is going to smash it. So many nerds! LoL
  3. Fizzy_Cyst

    Going into Yr 11 Chemistry? Help!

    If you can get balancing equations, naming compounds and formulae of polyatomic ions and compounds that would be sufficient. Balancing Chemical equations is beyond Stage 5 Science, so it should not be assumed by your Year 11 teacher that this can be done, but if you can do it, or at least have...
  4. Fizzy_Cyst

    School Rankings 2014

    Freeman FTW! Most Band 6s in the southern region of the CEO since data was collected
  5. Fizzy_Cyst

    tirgonometric cambirdge 3u 2c q19

    What have you done so far? To get you started: (tanx)^2=tan(x-a)tan(x-b) =[(tan(x) - tan(a))/(1+tan(x)tan(a))][(tan(x) - tan(b))/(1+tan(x)tan(b))]
  6. Fizzy_Cyst

    Share your ATAR here

    Congrats, Joe :) What was the highest at Gwood? Was it Della?
  7. Fizzy_Cyst

    Physics scores being very low?

    I would like to take credit for 4 of those, cuz it's all me, their hard work had nothing to do with their success ;) All of my weeners got their b6 :) Surprised the markers could read Hitarths writing, lol
  8. Fizzy_Cyst

    Physics scores being very low?

    I previously stated that HSC Physics had less b6 than usual, but I was mistaken! It was on par with previous years. All of my tutoring students except 1 which I was expecting to achieve band 6 got there, I had 2 others who I thought wouldn't, but they did (They were capable of it, but had quite...
  9. Fizzy_Cyst

    Share your 2014 HSC results here

    If any of you are really curious, ring your school. They have access to the students who state ranked at the school
  10. Fizzy_Cyst

    Share your 2014 HSC results here

    Maybe It seems 12 people got 99/100 this year in Visual Arts 39 people got 97/98 in Adv English Only 4 people got 49/50 in Ext 1 (SR here!!) 17 people got 49/50 in His Ext
  11. Fizzy_Cyst

    How accurate are ATAR calculators?

    Eng Adv: b6 - 14.7% b5 - 44.7% Maths 2u: b6 - 21.7% b5 - 32.1% Maths 3u: b6 - 30.4% b5 - 54.2% Maths 4u: b6 - 31.5% b5 - 55%
  12. Fizzy_Cyst

    physics year 11 coaching

    I would advise small group. I run class sizes of 6, which is just right. I would not above 8. The class sizes at peak are ridiculous, not sure about intuition.
  13. Fizzy_Cyst

    Share your 2014 HSC results here

    Congratulations guys! Some excellent results here :) Big WD to Editor XD
  14. Fizzy_Cyst

    HSC 2015 Maths Marathon (archive)

    Re: HSC 2015 2U Marathon Solve for x: sin^2(x) - 3sin(x)cos(x) + 2cos^2(x) = 0 where 0<=x<=2(Pi)
  15. Fizzy_Cyst

    HSC Physics Marathon 2013-2015 Archive

    re: HSC Physics Marathon Archive Please answer the current question before posting others, it is too confusing for me. Current Question: If not answered in next ~48 hours, I will answer and respond with another question
  16. Fizzy_Cyst

    HSC Physics Marathon 2013-2015 Archive

    re: HSC Physics Marathon Archive Perfecto! Nice question too :)
  17. Fizzy_Cyst

    Limits and Infinity

    I hate it when it says that the limit IS EQUAL TO infinity. Doesn't make sense to me. Just say it diverges or something. That's about as much as I can contribute, lol. Thinking about it, like in terms of the maths which I remember, which is very little, like in terms of asymptotes, which I...