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  1. slowjam10

    Questiosn baout studying Med. USyd or UNSW

    tehy say choose things u can do good at, so thats why i chose it. Anyway i dun go to a co-ed school - in fact over 40 studenst from our yr gruop do it.!!!!
  2. slowjam10

    Questiosn baout studying Med. USyd or UNSW

    ohh with food tech im doing cause ive been gettin like 100% in everything in class and exams i always get over 90%. Last yr i even got first place with overall result of 97%. so eyh and teachers great to, so thats why i chose it.
  3. slowjam10

    Questiosn baout studying Med. USyd or UNSW

    Re: Questiosn about studying Med. USyd or UNSW well i chose 2U Adv English 1U Ext 1 English 2U Adv Maths 1U Studies of Religion (Compulsory) 2U Food Technology 2U Legal Studies 2U Ancient History (changing to chemistry)
  4. slowjam10

    Questiosn baout studying Med. USyd or UNSW

    :)hey im in yr 10 and im interested in doing medicne at uni. We just had our first round of subject selections, i didnt choose any sciences, but i think now i should have chosen chemistry so im going to swap that with ancient history. Anyways i was wondering what uni do u think is better, is one...
  5. slowjam10

    German for Hsc, my school dosent offer it!!

    Hey, i am interested in doing German fro Hsc but my school offers no lote couse. So i was wondering if you know of anywhere outside of school that i could do teh course at, liek saturday school or something. I live in the western suburbs so if its close taht would also be good but if not ohh...
  6. slowjam10

    Questions about studying speech pathology at USyd

    Thanks again for your help, skeeta:)
  7. slowjam10

    Questions about studying speech pathology at USyd

    Thankyou very much for responding. I f you could find the subject list that would be great as well. Thanks:)
  8. slowjam10

    Questions about studying speech pathology at USyd

    :) Hey, im currently in yr 10 and i'm interested in studying speech pathology after finnishing yr 12. Next week we ahve to make subject selection choices for the HSC, i have read that you need to do Chemistry. I was wondering if you can get by without it or is it better just to do the bridging...