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  1. yulia

    WHERE did you lose your virginity?

    I don't regret my first time, regardless of what has happened afterwards, at the time it still meant a lot to me and was nice and he made me feel very special, nothing afterwards can change my feelings towards that. :) His bed, his room, 17 :P
  2. yulia

    The 2004 HSC - Mathematics Paper

    That was an eassssssy paper. If I had studied, I would've passed. Oh wells.
  3. yulia

    Who find it hard?

    It was an easy paper. Just I didn't study, at all. Hence failage :D
  4. yulia

    the pill or condoms? which makes sex better?

    If it wasn't for the pill, I'd be having 7 day long periods every 2 weeks :P Now they last like, 3 days... Current circumstances not withstanding.
  5. yulia

    Estimates and Special Provisions

    But if someone is doing brilliantly...don't you think they would in the HSC too if things didn't interrupt them? No one plans to have a breakdown, and I think people are missing the fact that it doesn't happen just because OGM IT'S THE HSC. It happens because of lots of reasons, it's not the...
  6. yulia

    copper concentration

    Maybe I'm thinking of another question... But I did get 0.03 or 0.003 whatever... But wasn't there something you had to do to THAT answer once you got it? Or am I thinking of something else O_o I don't know how you all remember the questions.
  7. yulia

    F*ck You All I Didnt See A Question!!!

    Like OGM I left out 2 questions in my option topic and OGM that adds up to 7 marks OGM I'm going to kill myself!!! Oh no wait, I purposely didn't answer them :P But HAHAHA I DID answer in response to the light source AND the flame :D Although I made it up, I'd never seen that set up IN MY...
  8. yulia

    Ethanol fuel Q

    Did anyone put the equations in? Because I saw the fact that they put both methods of production in the table as an indicator that they wanted you to show the chemistry of both...and at all my lectures they emphasised if there is an equation you can show, then write it, no matter what. And...
  9. yulia

    Estimates and Special Provisions

    Why did he get special provisions? They're good when they're deserved. I wouldn't be able to do my exams without them. It's daunting walking into an exam room and knowing that you're going to throw up/pass out at some stage and all your friends are going to have to watch it. At least...
  10. yulia

    Finished in 45 min

    I depended entirely on cramming for the chem exam. Hell, I'm depending entirely on cramming for the entire HSC :D I do ancient history by distance ed...and still haven't finished 2 of the topics :D "How to do the HSC in 20 days" :D
  11. yulia

    Finished in 45 min

    I finished in an hour, and yes, that's with answering all the questions, then again, I have turbo pen :D It was amusing, I was hoping the guy ranked below me would do well so he'd push my rank up, and he was hoping I'd do well and drag his rank up...and then I'm walking down the street at 11...
  12. yulia

    decline of personal hygiene during exams

    Well I've never been the type to wear make up, and my hair pretty much does itself... But I haven't gone for a run in like 2 weeks :o
  13. yulia

    the pill or condoms? which makes sex better?

    Having never used a condom I have nothing for comparison, BUT it was good without them :P BUT if I wasn't sure that we were both clean I would use them, and if I wasn't on the pill then definately would've use them. But then again, the pill isn't 100% effective...even when taken properly...
  14. yulia

    The 2004 HSC - Chemistry Paper

    I FINISHED THE EXAM IN AN HOUR. How to fail chemistry in 4 easy steps 1/ Don't turn up to class, with the idea that chemistry won't count for your UAI. 2/ When you realise that chemistry IS counting for your UAI, decide it's too late and not bother anyways. 3/ Don't go near the chapter in...
  15. yulia

    Option 5 - Forensic Chemistry

    WHAT was with the "Assess the usefulness of distinguishing tests for carbohydrates and metal ions used in the school laboratory, compared with technology used by forensice chemists in laboratories, for the same purposes." I had NO idea, I made up so much stuff...then again, I didn't turn up...
  16. yulia

    Module B - Critical Study of Texts

    Ahhhh this question had me stumped for a while (Speeches) fact if it wasn't for rest breaks, this question probably would've screwed me over quite a bit. I left it until last and if I hadn't have had that time to clear my writing wouldn't have made any sense at all. But in...
  17. yulia


    I have a writing booklets from last year's exams, does that count for anything? :P All these things...getting photos with the examiners and easy when you go to a school like mine, the examiners are all friends of my mums :P
  18. yulia

    gettin ova it..

    None of the above except keep yourself occupied...and never ever push them only regret it after. Keep them as close as you possibly can...when you've had something special there, you should try and keep the friendship...don't break the bond you once had...
  19. yulia

    hairy chests

    Pulling hairs out of your mouth gets less hair is better, but it doesn't really matter...then again I've never been with one of those gorilla type people, so I don't have much for comparison.
  20. yulia

    Pregnancy / Periods

    Not criticising abortion. Like I said, if people choose to have it, then that is their choice. But for me, it's the option I wouldn't take, and I said that. I guess you didn't know what was going on with me while I was in Sydney, or why I stayed so long for. But I've been faced with this choice...