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  1. yulia

    What my student number for UAC?

    Your student number appears on your school certificate, you will only receive your UAC number once you have gone through the registration process, with apply-by-web, you will know when you have received your UAC number because a box pops up saying "This is your UAC number! You must remember...
  2. yulia

    Who is in to dance music ????????
  3. yulia

    Being friendly or flirty

    I've witnessed this approach before, at least they were direct (but oh MY god so skanky): Friend: "Do you have your p's?" New Kid: "Yeah, don't have a car tho" Friend: "I do" New Kid: "Oh, what kind?" Friend: "I'll show you if you want, it has a back seat too..."
  4. yulia

    Eye dissection

    Hey everyone, I have an assessment where I have to "plan, choose equiment or resources and perform a first-hand investigation of a mammalian eye to gather first-hand data to relate structures to funtions. You will plan and perform the eye dissection with a partner... I'm fine with the theory...
  5. yulia

    has anyone done their ancient trial?

    I did mine on Monday, it was ok, if I had studied harder, I would've been able to answer better, because well, I had read over all the stuff in the test, I just didn't know it in detail.
  6. yulia


    If anyone has any information, any at ALL and any methods of chromatography that I could carry out, please let me know? I have some assignment, I can't remember what it is and I don't have it here with me but I know I have to separate ink or something or I have no idea. But any...
  7. yulia

    CSSA Trials (2004)

    Mine wasn't a catholic paper, but it was bought in. I think it was an Independant schools paper or something or other...half of it we hadn't done in class, but I got 74%, I'm happy with that in comparison with the amount of studying I did (not much...:/) and the fact that half of it we'd never...
  8. yulia


    U did the hsc last year...?? And ummm trials freaked me out and I got sad and stuff. Which is really weird because I don't really stress out or get freaked out and upset and stuff...but just before trials I was a mess, add in the sleep deprivation I just got really sad...I really love my...
  9. yulia

    I've gotta come clean

    Why the hell do the guys here need to prove anything to you?? Geez.
  10. yulia

    Maths Trials!!

    Ahhh. Well I just discovered maths isn't going to count for me, dammit. I spent all this time working on maths and the mark will do nothing, nothing I tell you! DAMMIT!
  11. yulia

    STAT Written English

    This STAT test you talk about, is it the one you do for pharmacy? If so, you should be able to obtain a past STAT paper from your careers adviser, should point you in the right direction.
  12. yulia

    Maths Trials!!

    4% of our hsc mark? how did you work that maths out? lol...
  13. yulia

    Love vs sex from a female

    ur happy to have sex with random people?
  14. yulia

    Love vs sex from a female

    "People shouldn't experience the act of love until they are in love". Haha seen that movie toooo many times. Anyways. Love is way more important than sex. Sex without the love is meaningless and I believe, would be unfulfilling. I believe, and it seems that I'm old fash these days in...
  15. yulia

    Does anyone here go to Yanko Ag High?

    Oh. Well all our teachers seem to be leaving our school and going there. WE WANT THEM BACK. Our new ees teacher is teh sux0r.
  16. yulia

    Chemistry Trials!!

    Good luck to everyone doing their trials!! Mines today, hehehe, I managed to sum up the entire core topics in 3 pages, so umm...haha guess how well I'm gonna go :) Oh well, 2 passes, 2 fails, I wonder what will happen with this one....... GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!! :)
  17. yulia

    Maths Trials!!

    *points at your location* so you also live in this cliche? :P
  18. yulia

    Maths Trials!!

    You appear to have a fetish for fairies and gingerbread men..
  19. yulia


    i either missed 34 days of prelim or 60. My report wasn't clear, both my half yearly and yearly report came in saying a number somewhere in the 30s, dunno if it was for both semesters put together or them seperately... Either way, I explained all my absences, so nothing happened to me, but...
  20. yulia

    Maths Trials!!

    Good luck to everyone in their maths trial!! Mine's today, and it's worth 45% >< Is anyone elses worth this much? Or are my teachers just bastards making this course failable in 2 tests? Lol either way, good luck!! :)