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  1. Bunny04


    this things hurt like hell. I tried it out last night.. and freaking hell.. it's the most painfull thing ever.. I hope you guys are right about it not hurting after a few goes.. cause my eyes were watering Lol ^.^
  2. Bunny04


    Hmm.. guys in boardies and thongs.. nice. heh. I love my haviana thongs personally. I wear them everywhere.. Sooo comfy!
  3. Bunny04

    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    Clinique lip treatment lip glosses in Bronze spice, Strawberry glaze, plum tint, mango tint. Nice smelling stuff :P
  4. Bunny04

    Small classes

    Having been in a class size of 2 for Software Design and Development and class size of 3 in Music 2 and extension and Dance- I found it benifital. You get to collaborate with the teacher alot more. More individual tutoring. I think you should take the opportunity and use it to your advantage...
  5. Bunny04

    Conservatoriums - GENERAL: Entry, atmosphere, auditions etc.

    It does have a factor in the BMus courses... but there is always loop holes. The reason why - Sydney Uni main campus. But you can transfer easily. Thats what happened to me. I got into maj performance, but my uai being below 50 Syd Uni said no.. but the con said yes.. so they put me in dip mus...
  6. Bunny04

    What are you currently Reading?

    "Seven Ancient Wonders"- Matthew Riley. I'm about half way through. I actually like this.. he's taken kinda a Dan Brown style- but a better story line. Go the Aussie authors.
  7. Bunny04


    For most countries, you aren't allowed Dual Citizenship- meaning for f) You can't have a dutch passport, if you already are australian- unless you denounce your australian citizenship. Strangly enough i know this crap- I have Dual citizenship- French and Australian Passports, but i got in...
  8. Bunny04

    piano performance (-o'.')-o

    Yeah, like above- i'd really have to disagree with the comment 'Baroque pieces aren't meant to have much emotion' - that would really show the examiner that you have no understanding of the era or style of the baroque period. Baroque, MUSICALLY can be one of the hardest styles to play...
  9. Bunny04

    The Sydney Conservatorium Students Thread

    didn't audition! ^^ i'm doing a late audition in jan :P
  10. Bunny04

    Conservatoriums - GENERAL: Entry, atmosphere, auditions etc.

    Don't stress too much over it. I got much lower than a 60 so pft. I think they are more concerned about the audition and music skills test. But don't worry, I know plenty of people that have gotten in with a 60 +
  11. Bunny04

    The Da Vinci Code...THE MOVIE

    thats cause everyone thats going to see the movie would have read the book.
  12. Bunny04

    Secondhand Book Stores

    T's in Avoca St randwick or Booked Out on St Pauls Street The SPot- in Randwick as well- both extremley cheap places Gleebooks mentioned above is great too
  13. Bunny04

    Cheap Sydney Accommodation

    I'd go to the YHA at Central or the one in Glebe. YHA for a shared dorm is about $18-22 a night per person. They give you linnen and all that stuff. (no sleeping bags allowed) you can also get double or twin rooms for around $ 70-90 dollars a night per Room. YHA are genrally a rather...
  14. Bunny04

    Fat arms

    Swimming is good, but if you continue for too long, broad shoulders and large muscle build up. Try rowing machines at the gym. Very helpfull for Upper body and arm work, try chin ups and push ups.
  15. Bunny04

    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    Green Day, American Idiot tour Tshirt ( One with granade and hand on front, and tour dates on back) Green Day Black sweat band.
  16. Bunny04

    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    AWOL/ Purr pink singlet tops- with a few sequins and ribbions on it, purdy top- can't really explain it. Pair of jean shorts from Jay Jays
  17. Bunny04

    Results page not working???

    The Student Administration site is down for today- will hopefully be back up tomorrow. Damn, my results still haven't arrived though (well last night they hadn't ) Only 4 more results left to see.
  18. Bunny04

    Cronulla Beach Incident was at Maroubra Last night. Smashed cars, and broke stuff. Letterboxes damaged and yeah. . Damn those dudes. And the bragang. Stupid idiots -scowls- '
  19. Bunny04

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    Me neither, it's been down for quite a while tonight.
  20. Bunny04

    DONNIE DARKO -- Reviews and Discussion

    Ok, I love Donnie Darko the movie- have watched it many many times (like the other night on SBS hehehe and a million and one times on dvd hehehe) but what i don't get ... is how people DON'T UNDERSTAND IT.. its like people not getting the Matrix. It's quite easy to understand if you...