Search results

  1. Bunny04

    end of high school crisis

    Well you put 'no'- You are /not/ currently studying. You're neither at High school, or Uni... so... Teh answer is 'no'
  2. Bunny04

    Full-on Horror flicks

    Shaun of the dead? Scary? -scoffs- I just laughed the whole way through, even when that lady got spiked through teh middle of a pole. ehehehe. Gory, but funny.
  3. Bunny04

    brokeback mountain

    Its jake Gyllenhaal, not donnie darko :P mahaha, anyhow. This movie looks kinda interesting, i love Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon- even though this be completley different, i still like the work of Ang Lee.
  4. Bunny04

    Conservatoriums - GENERAL: Entry, atmosphere, auditions etc.

    usually between 20-30 minutes, but they dont usually listen to all of tthe piece, they'll skim through them all though, theres usually a big group of people auditioning on the same day, so (a mix of different instruments) so they'll try and be as quick as possible.
  5. Bunny04

    Career In Music?

    Agh, don't go to AIM Please.. For the love of god, don't. (if you want to be a preformer) heh. Music Technology and Audio YES, go to AIM... but not for performing. For gods sake, its being sold off as a karaoke bar - heh. Trust me, i know.. Wen't there. -nodnod- and theres no audition for...
  6. Bunny04

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    Yes, i think thats the common idea. Not getting it. Wait, we'll probably get an email soonish about it.
  7. Bunny04

    The Sydney Conservatorium Students Thread

    heh. Yeah liz aint in it though. SBS... its ok.. but im definatley going to audition for AYO and SYO (syo again) cause its crap on a friday night.
  8. Bunny04

    The Sydney Conservatorium Students Thread

    Heh. :P Yes, the con admin should be open from 830-4 (or 430) not too many people in either.. the con should be pretty empty, apart from one really scratchy sounding quartet -cough-
  9. Bunny04

    The Sydney Conservatorium Students Thread

    ahh, thats student admin (the 2nd level down those stairs). No, you want to go to the Genral admin, which is near the front main entrance of the con on Macquarie street hehehe.. I don't think we have a campus on elizabeth :P Uhh.. The greenway is just that castle looking bit at the front of...
  10. Bunny04

    The Sydney Conservatorium Students Thread

    for MCGY music Historys they are quite easy.. Just require a fair bit of memory work and study. Just wrote learning i guess. You have to do a tutorial presentation, plus a 3 hour exam. Con timetables. Officially we don't get one. We kinda have to work it out ourselves from a large *all...
  11. Bunny04


    It was kinda good, climatic.. For once i didn't guess the ending at the very beginning which was a welcomed relief. .although the actual ending.. i was a little dissapointed with. but overall an ok thriller/ drama thing.
  12. Bunny04

    Full-on Horror flicks

    Saw i really didn't find all the scary.. Disgusting and weird.. but not too scary. One movie that sticks in my mind- although i was little and probably if I watched it today I wouldn't be as freaked.. But i can remember the bits that scared me shitless. I used to cling to my chair in horror...
  13. Bunny04 it? loath it?

    Oh heck there is a story line to Elizabethtown.. but it kinda sucks.. Plainly. Loud and Clear. Seriously. I went on saturday night. 9 people including me in the cinema - and this isn't a stingy suburban cinema.. quite popular (mind you, everyone went to see Flightplan which is kinda good...
  14. Bunny04


    Heh, in a newspaper - the Mirror and the tEle.. mind you, they aint very reliable newspapers .. :rolleyes:
  15. Bunny04


    heh, dumbasses. The cops have already released a statement saying they have the warrant this year to go into Hotel rooms and check for drugs and stuff, and random street tests- Get thrown in jail the lot of you - laughs- heh.Meh.. I say if you do it meh.. Its your problem.. I don't know why...
  16. Bunny04

    What are you currently Reading?

    Olympus imaging world owners manual ^^;;;;
  17. Bunny04

    Scavenger Hunts - Fun for all!

    hehe they kidnapped a dude. But hey scavanger hunts at uni ? O.o
  18. Bunny04

    Student Card and Exams

    You guys need cards for exams? ? $20 From your Campus to get the sheet. another $ 20 from main campus to get it all sorted with admin etc. Its called the student admin building near the Newtown side. I don't know if you need a student card just for exams though. We don't .
  19. Bunny04

    Pride & Prejudice fans- Where to buy "These Three Remain"?

    Fanfiction- probably the best fanfiction site. If it isn't in the main book list (which it should be, its quite the popular book) you can go to C2 (listed up in the blue bar up top) and then try through that link (still in
  20. Bunny04


    yeah, i think Schoolies is erm... pretty darn Obvious. not that i went poo con audition was on during schoolies and i had to practice.. but oh well. -sigh- SCHOOLIES is like the biggest party on the Gold Coast for all HSC leavers. Its like a huge 3 weeks of non stop partying a mix of...