Search results

  1. Bunny04

    HARRY POTTER & the goblet of fire!!

    Heh.. yeah, my whole cinema cracked up at that bit when Harry spills his drink . Overall i think this movie is really good! different to teh last 3, you can't really compare it. I know they had to fit alot into the movie, but i think they could've done a little more for the 3rd task. and...
  2. Bunny04

    The Sims

    Heh, yes i do the same- But my cheat isn't working. hmmm.. Must find that program to install. Heh, I don't think i've ever sent the kids to school , then they get sent to military place or whatever. No more bratty annoying slow kids.
  3. Bunny04

    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    oooh for $35 today, i brought these really nice shoes in Newtown. Blue sandal kinda things, but with a zipper at the back, and rings aroudn the ankle- in a royal blue colour.
  4. Bunny04

    last 5 musical purchases.

    Heh. I can't remember my last 5 - but i remember my last 1. Heh ^^ - Bullet in A Bible - Green Day tour CD/DVD
  5. Bunny04

    Books You Own But Have Not Read

    The Ellie Chronicles by John Marsden, someone gave me that first book a few years back, I read the first 5 chaps, and got extremley bored with it, so i left it.
  6. Bunny04

    The Sims

    Ugh i've got the Sims 2 with that Uni expansion pack, but its really really slow- and keeps freezing. It gets extremley boring when it takes forever to load one family into a house or, to even make your charrie go to the fridge. heh/
  7. Bunny04

    HARRY POTTER & the goblet of fire!!

    Heh.. and when he spots cho in the great hall, and just spits out all the drink. Heh.
  8. Bunny04


    Hmm, i watched this show for teh first time a couple of days ago.. and from the 15 minutes i watched, it was pretty woefull acting. Seriously bad. That counsellor dude when he went with that girl to the parents house, and the mum was in a nursing home or soemthing. It was pretty shocking lol.
  9. Bunny04

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    Well yeah.. but ehehe. -sweat drop- man.. i'm still freaked out though. and I needed a transfer to another course within the con. grrrr... Unless its a prereq? Well, I have to go onto the Music History 3.. err... Do you mean pre req in a 'mark' form, say a particular grade?
  10. Bunny04

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    Whattttt? It got scraped? -cries- It says MCGY 1008 (or whatever number) Music History 2 49.0 - Pass(concessional) -between marks 46-49% the examiner can decide wether to pass one or not. i hope i still passed, otherwise thats two subjects i failed. eeeeepppp
  11. Bunny04

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    Whoo shivers, I completely flunked this semester I got 2 Passes which were both (concessional) - and i got 49. 49 .. Damnit.. oh well, it said pass. eeep
  12. Bunny04

    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    Went to Westfield the other day. bought: - pair pink metallic Havaiana thongs - Pair of jeans from Kookai - Black top from cotton on.
  13. Bunny04

    HARRY POTTER & the goblet of fire!!

    aww no winky? ? poo. That kinda sucks. I think i heard that already- but ahh well. (mugglenet spoilers- not that its really spoilers seeing as everyone knows the books ^^ - well, all those that plan to see the movie) Moaning Mrytle gets intimate with Harry? O.o apart from seeing him in...
  14. Bunny04

    School Cerificate, is it hard?

    heh ^^ aww, did that last page of posts totally miss you by? heh. ^.^;;;; -sweat drop- nah but oh man. .that School Cert.. Whoa, ages ago. Heh, i don't even remember the actual exams :P
  15. Bunny04

    School Cerificate, is it hard?

    like Fwoah. The banner did give it away. But Increasingly getting more and more bored.. and other little year 10's can use it heh.
  16. Bunny04

    School Cerificate, is it hard?

    Heh exactly what manifestation said. Don't at all stress about the School Cert. Heh, I remember on the saturday before the exams, I stressed and then people told me not to study, and i 'didn't being the lazy sod i am, and i scored band 6 for english band 5 for maths and band 6 for science (and...
  17. Bunny04

    Year 12 PiCS

    Heh.. Marcellin College Randwick -pokes- Heh. Good old brother school :P
  18. Bunny04


    They with held $550 cash from me, and i got $550 at tax return time. Beacuse i only earned over the last tax year 3500 So, as well as my low income below the tax paying threshold- I got t he low income earners thingo. whoot . 550 to the bank -snicker-
  19. Bunny04

    Da Kath & Kim Code

    90 minute speshial, Feat Prude and Trude- Barry Humphries and the Da Vinic Code spin offs. Twas very funneh- -nodnod- Watch it all, it shall be on again in a couple of weeks *forgets what date*
  20. Bunny04

    What's your job and how much you earn?

    Age: 19 Job: Department of Education and Trainning new apprentaships centre, trainning officer and office clerk Pay: 21/ hour