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  1. Bunny04

    SDD all males?

    heh, In my class of 2 there were 2 girls doing SDD for the HSC (last year though) so heh.
  2. Bunny04

    The Sydney Conservatorium Students Thread

    Meh i decided against filling out that audition form.. and went back to this state of mind: "I Left SYO a year and a bit ago... WHy? - well why the hell am i going to go back.. - so you see... Rejoining.. meh.. I'm still in Sbs though. -cough-
  3. Bunny04

    Pride and Prejudice

    Hmm.. I was not impressed with the movie at all: I'm for once agreeing with teh reviews in the Metro: 'They just don't get Austen at all' i think its true. And maybe i can't get Colin Firth out of my head and so this new actor is kinda wrecking it all. -pout-
  4. Bunny04

    Block of flats collapse in Lane Cove - tunnel construction

    aww poor tweety , i hope they get the bird out.. how long do birds live without food or water? anyone know lol ^^
  5. Bunny04

    Body hanging from tree mistaken for Halloween decoration

    yeah.. but how many halloween decorations are suspended 4 and a half metres up with a rope and obviously.. a really bad stench (if she had been dead for sometime, like the authorities weren't quite sure.. you know.. that would look.. far too.. Odd and real to be a halloween decoration. Gawd...
  6. Bunny04

    Dance Core Appreciation

    that would be good, Bringing back the 2 unit ballet - i would've doen that -nodnod- damn it.. damn new HSC
  7. Bunny04

    Year 12 PiCS

    yesh i do have msn. lol ^.^ Dark hair.. O.o nope. and -nodnod- dominique related to her.
  8. Bunny04

    Year 12 PiCS

    haha no, i was towards the end. Cello I were 4 th and 3 rd years. :( and yeah, oddly enough i remember faces. .tee hee. weird. Anethea i've heard things about her but i haven't had a lesson. Umm.. For the parts.. i was 3 rd from the end, and i completely forget what part i was playing lol :P...
  9. Bunny04

    Year 12 PiCS

    ahh, i thought it was you. at the cello ensemble thingo. Georg is cool, (and i didn't even know he was the head of the cello department.. shows how much i know about the con :rolleyes: and Susan Blake. THey both rawk, but so does newy teachers -nodnod- and lol you're that dude that didn't...
  10. Bunny04

    Softwares over! How'd we all go?

    aww last years was kinda.. iffy. well some of it anyhow. Someone post it, i wanna see what you guys got ^^ lol
  11. Bunny04

    Year 12 PiCS

    Joeys boy, u look familiar.. did you go to the con open day ? lol ^^
  12. Bunny04

    Conservatoriums - GENERAL: Entry, atmosphere, auditions etc.

    -nodnod- -nodnod- they have done so. Yesh, under 50 -cough- umm.. Don't really stress about your UAI, work on your compositions and don't stress too much about the UAI.. thats from experience -cough- (not from comp, but performance ^.^;;; )
  13. Bunny04

    Private Teaching - Music

    I don't actually advertise. I kinda got the job from my old Cello teacher who moved oversease. She gave me some of her younger students - and i've kinda kept them. and my old school asked me to come and teach (mind you, i haven't taken it up yet) So i've never posted any adds or what not. If...
  14. Bunny04


    Yeah i agree. Stupid.. I hate the whole 'new look' Mole- John being the mole, i was dissapointed.. although i had a good guess. Craig was too éasy' to be the mole. Military dude, you know... it was a lil obvious, although i liked the idea that He stayed right until the end, even my thoughts...
  15. Bunny04

    Any Tips for Aural

    Doing Music 1 or 2? I'd say.. Make sure you're not nervous. Focus.. They play it a few times. And you might recognise it - sometimes you do , sometimes you don't. Take the first time - first playing to just listen to it.. Don't write, don't do anything. Just listen.. then second time, go...
  16. Bunny04

    Important: Australian Jazz Composers

    Try researching the Australian Music Centres database - Type it into Google.. or even go down there. (same building as the SYO/AYO office ^.^) (the Australian Music Centre database- You can search there) Heres a more specific list under the search of 'Jazz' music in...
  17. Bunny04

    Universities in QLD?

    yep, expensive colleges but its sooo worth it (my cousins were at UQ and QUT hence knowing) QUT and UQ are the ones i'd go to, offering a massive range of courses each. And on the southband, UQ and QUT campuses.. they are majorly cool ^.^
  18. Bunny04

    Dance Core Appreciation

    Oh my god lol, the exam was early this year.. last year it was on the very last day ^.^ ugh. anyways. Hope you all went well.
  19. Bunny04

    Sequencing in rooster and ochres

    Think of the ways to manipulate the motif /into/ the phrase. Have you been through the '16 ways to manipulate a motif' - like size, dynamics, direction, high or low etc.. Umm... Phrase alone. Well, if you've worked through the motif, and the motif to phrase, you've pretty much covered it. The...
  20. Bunny04

    Sequencing in rooster and ochres

    Formal structure.. Ok Umm... -tries to think back- You'd begin to talk about teh dance as a whole.. the choreographers views and so on. Then i'd move on to section by section- giving a detailed look of how each section interplays with the intent and motif. How each sections manipulated. -...