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  1. J

    Help!! I cant write english essays in time

    Real question is, how the actual fuck does anyone finish paper 2 WITHOUT memorising???? Dude you have to be a fkn english god to be able to conjure up shit on the spot in 40 mins and have decent length. Hats off to those who can do it, cuz i sure cant if i was asked to do that shit lol
  2. J

    HSC starts in a week… Now in a day

    Memorised essays go Brrrrrrrrrr
  3. J

    HSC starts in a week… Now in a day

    Whats the bet this year they gonna make it impossible for yall lol. Last year they went super softball with essay questions and things, this year is a surefire ramp up.
  4. J

    How Many Words For Paper 1 Unseen Texts

    How many words (not like the amount of lines) should I be writing to ensure full marks for 3, 4, 5, and 6 marker questions within reasonable bounds? This is with the assumption that there still is a good level of quality to the response, obviously, there's no point writing out 2 pages for a 3...
  5. J

    Dropping Physics

    You would assume, double the population, double the schools required no?
  6. J

    Dropping Physics

    Hmm..there are heaps of local kids who make entry for rurals relatively more competitive. The barrier to classify as "rural" is not too hard to fulfil for many. I've got friends who i've grown up with in regional areas, who are going to be applying as rurals, myself included, but have just lived...
  7. J

    How do I write quicker?

    Do finger stretches before you write, i found it reduces my cramping quite a bit actually
  8. J

    Expanding The Premise In The Thesis and Topic Sentences

    Nah im not really planning to bs, when i read other peoples essays its often easy to pick up someone bs'ing. And if you counter that as not being able to bullshitting well, then i'd say its no longer bullshitting if the stuff you're saying is comprehensive, and its that which i am aiming to achieve.
  9. J

    Expanding The Premise In The Thesis and Topic Sentences

    As the title suggests, if we are given either a curveball or a generic question, how do you expand/tweak the premise in such a way that it shapes itself to my own understanding and perspectives of a text ? (with a caveat that I'm taking a memorised approach) Thanks :)
  10. J

    How fast do people write?

    Stop being so humble omg
  11. J

    How fast do people write?

    ah ha, but seeing as youre 99.6, i assume each of those 27-28 wpm is actually average word length of like 7 letters xD
  12. J

    UQ medicine (graduate)

    I'd echo this message, MSO is the place to go for this.
  13. J

    How fast do people write?

    This is true, and from what the consensus is, markers be skim reading anyway, so theres no point absolutely sweating every word written, especially in like the 3rd body para. So going quality in intro, 1st and 2nd para should be enough for a mark carry tbh
  14. J

    How fast do people write?

    That's cracked, plz show us mere mortals the light
  15. J

    How fast do people write?

    How fast do yall write in terms of characters per minute? For my common mod, mainly because I've memorised, I'm managing about 190 characters per minute (but because average word length is 6.5 excluding spaces, it translates to about 29 words per min)
  16. J

    Writing more than given space

    Just wondering if markers will penalise you if you write over the lines or liek "stretch" the lines by writing a word extra either side of the lines. I often do this for all of my short ans responses, and tend to write like 2-3 extra lines for most questions that are above 3 marks. And if they...
  17. J

    How does tied ranks work for the HSC?

    What is the rubber band method? (Lol i dont expect photastic to reply but if anyone else knows thatd be significantly appreciated xx)
  18. J

    How HSC Markers, Mark Essays

    How many marks away approx?