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  1. J

    When are we allowed to share Trial Papers?

    Hey everyone, my trials are a couple of weeks time and I'm super nervous about my chem and ecos :( I was wondering when it's possible for those schools who are doing theirs next week to post their trial papers to help prepare for the HSC? (Also, are my accelerated marks competing with the set...
  2. J

    Tried working ahead. Super stuck lol

    I did it using a simpler sub of u= 25 + x^2, it was just the specific one which tripped me up :( thanks though!
  3. J

    Tried working ahead. Super stuck lol

  4. J

    Trial Dates For Your School

    Just wondering when schools are having their trial exams? (Feel free to drop your school's dates below). I'm very nervous for my ecos and chem. :( Also, I read on here that CSSA has moved their papers to later in the term, dis true?
  5. J

    Notes For Chemistry

    really? or is this a joke lol
  6. J

    Notes For Chemistry

    My mistake, but Module 8 is still lacking. I reckon ill just make my own, unless someone shares, fingers remain crossed. Thanks anyway ! :)
  7. J

    Notes For Chemistry

    They just seemed to have the syllabus copy pasted for Chemistry :(
  8. J

    Notes For Chemistry

    Doing that as we speak, are there any other websites maybe?
  9. J

    Notes For Chemistry

    Most are the same :(
  10. J

    Notes For Chemistry

    Hey does anyone have a compilation of HSC chemistry notes that they wouldn't mind sharing? (that aren't the ones already posted to bos) It'd be super appreciated. :)
  11. J

    Another HSC mark moderation question

    I had another question. With schools that have over 100 students do they submit decimal marks to split internal ranks?
  12. J

    Another HSC mark moderation question

    Personally, I really dislike it. Our school now puts practicals and depth studies with insane weightings, so sometimes unfortunate circumstances in a practical or a misinterpretation of the marking criteria in a depth study can leave you pretty much hopeless against everyone. Idk :(
  13. J

    Another HSC mark moderation question

    Yeah, I get that, but it just seems a bit absurd to me how trials can be worth a maximum of 30%, despite being the best indicator for HSC assessment marks. as for suggesting me to be placed above in that scenario, it would be pretty redundant for the other assessment, but it would still make...
  14. J

    Another HSC mark moderation question

    I see. What if the case is the following for internals (lets say for my chemistry) Assessment 1- Depth Study: 40% Assessment 2: 30% Trials: 30% Final Weighted Mark A: 100 Me: 75 C: 60 A:100 Me: 75 C:60 A:70 Me: 100 C: 60 A: 91 Me: 82.5 C: 60 In this case, would it not make sense for the...
  15. J

    Another HSC mark moderation question

    I see. So if the cohort did worse externally than internally, then I would get dragged down further than she would?
  16. J

    Another HSC mark moderation question

    Im talking about having internal marks and then swapping places on external marks, all else being equal.
  17. J

    Another HSC mark moderation question

    So those are final HSC marks?
  18. J

    Another HSC mark moderation question

    Hey, I know this is probably over asked but I was wondering what would happen in my case. Let's say the marks sent by my school was 91 for me, the person 1 rank above, gets a mark sent by the school of 95. What would happen if everything else stays the same, except, she and I swap our HSC...
  19. J

    How do I prepare for my chemistry practical

    What about module 6? thanks heaps
  20. J

    How do I prepare for my chemistry practical

    Yeah alright, thank you !