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  1. J

    How do I name this

    Thank you, another question. Im pretty sure this should be called "propyl pentanoate". But could it be called "butyl butanoate". The -OOC- is confusing me here, which direction do I assume it faces?
  2. J

    How do I prepare for my chemistry practical

    We won't have titrations i don't think, and we covered alcohol heat of combustion yesterday (less than a week away from the prac so it wont be assessed). Thats why I'm struggling so much as to what will be in it. We haven't been told anything, maybe some model building but that's it. Any ideas?
  3. J

    How do I prepare for my chemistry practical

    Hey everyone, Ive got a chem practical worth 70 marks on Wednesday. Its on modules 6/7 and is split into 3 sections, 2 of them worth 25 marks and are practical parts, and the last one is worth 20 marks, which is analysing secondary data. How should I go about preparing for this? Thanks
  4. J

    How do I name this

    I can kinda deconstruct how you named that, except the "pentyl" instead of what I thought was 'pentan". How does that work?
  5. J

    How do I name this

  6. J

    Plan and Timings for HSC/Trial Exams

    Yeah I get that, but what am I memorising, are there big bold patterns of extended responses from each module?
  7. J

    Plan and Timings for HSC/Trial Exams

    Anyone got any tips for chemistry ? that would be super appreciated
  8. J

    Plan and Timings for HSC/Trial Exams

    Fair enough, thank you x
  9. J

    Plan and Timings for HSC/Trial Exams

    Thank you, that seems very reasonable. You reckon its better to spend the last like 3 or so minutes to go over the m/c instead of trying to perfect an essay? i feel like picking up a mark or two in m/c is a fair bit easier than in an essay
  10. J

    Plan and Timings for HSC/Trial Exams

    What time split is recommended to get a mid B6 in Chemistry and Ecos, in terms of how many minutes I should spend on M/C, S/A and extended responses (for Ecos obviously). Thank you
  11. J

    Practical Assessments for Module 7 & 8 - Chemistry

    What tends to be assessed in these pracs? I've tried googling around but I cant find anything useful
  12. J

    Practical Assessments for Module 7 & 8 - Chemistry

    As per the title, I was wondering what types of practicals can be asked from modules 7 and 8 for Chemistry? As in, what is generally assessed, and how should people prepare for these? Thank you !
  13. J

    Improving writing speed

    any tips that could be advised without an in-person visit? Other than relearning or improving handwriting itself, is there a way to progressively 'overload' how I write faster, any tips on that?
  14. J

    Improving writing speed

    I was wondering how to improve my writing speed, because I have an essay due today in 3 weeks time, and my teacher recommended that I write approximately 1250 words to have a solid shot at 18-19. Although its not necessary, more words allow you to express more, or at least buys you more thinking...
  15. J

    Raw Marks Database

    I meant raw mark-> aligned from rawmarksdatabase -> put into calculator -> ATAR -> pretty reliable
  16. J

    Raw Marks Database

    Oh. Right i see. So ATAR calculators arent messed up, i can aim for x raw and get y aligned and plonk y aligned into z atar calculator and get out x result, and itll be pretty reliable. fair enough
  17. J

    Raw Marks Database

    aight blud, thats a messed up system. 57 raw almost a band 5.
  18. J

    Raw Marks Database

    2020 chem, says 57 went to 79, so im assuming a 60 would get like 81 or 82. And just like you said, course is easier so how the hell are the marks getting launched up so high??
  19. J

    Raw Marks Database

    i still feel like its dodgy tho, no way a bloody 57 in chem gets you an 80, a person who knows just prelim stuff can get like 40 raw lol.