Search results

  1. _trickster_

    Whats 'hot' for you?

    if shes old enough to pee, shes old enough for me :o Edit: my mate actually told me that today, such a sick fuck, but srsly though, a huge rack and tight ass
  2. _trickster_

    Most Beautiful Women

    Summer Glau :D
  3. _trickster_

    Gym Junkies

    yeah ftw, the old buff guy is still there haha but they lost some of the machines, so i guess dumbells are the way to go
  4. _trickster_

    Japanese celebrate defeat of bluefin tuna ban

    Re: I am convinced that Japanese people are heartless tyrants! "oh hey they nuked us" "maybe we should deprive the world by eating all the shit in the ocean" "k"
  5. _trickster_

    Gym Junkies

    i love you so much more omie :d
  6. _trickster_

    Mathematics Ext 1 / Ext 2

    good point that, also, again, awesome sig +1 and yeah im also finding that the decorated students with 90+ ATARS do 4U math, honestly a little disconcerting
  7. _trickster_

    Who else can't find work?

    fucking hell i send my CV into this place right, and then 2 weeks later, i see a more attractive version of me working there and the sign gone....... FML
  8. _trickster_

    Who had a same sex crush

    no, i like the pussy :) 99% of people on here can agree amirite?
  9. _trickster_

    fuck buddy

    cant 2 people in a relationship also be fuck buddies?
  10. _trickster_

    would you ever fuck a hot pregnant woman?

    cumshotting a baby fetus is not on my to-do list so no
  11. _trickster_

    How many potentials do you have?

    im the same as artist91, 3, cannot to commit to any of them, although i think i have made up my mind.... unsure though
  12. _trickster_


    no not really whats the point of thinking that youre telling the truth if everyone else thinks youre lying? its like, if i cant see them, they cant see me kind of deal but again, just to end this damn thread, there is no real use to thinking like this guy, the act of thinking that something...
  13. _trickster_

    What looks hot and sh*t on the opposite sex! Tell all thread

    doesnt that make you look try hardish though? say like dark jeans, with a bluey striped yd. dress shirt and a plain white/black tee underneath? and dunlops
  14. _trickster_

    Would you bang a 16 year old?

    chick in the pink is smash extreme
  15. _trickster_


    ok maybe a more unattractive, possibly even older version, but thats only because of the smile, and hair
  16. _trickster_

    What looks hot and sh*t on the opposite sex! Tell all thread

    revival (almost) so skinny jeans on guys look bad? ive got a mate who loves them, like swears by them
  17. _trickster_


    nup not even close ^ actually hot
  18. _trickster_


    me hilarious pedophilles full frontal jerking black cams etc etc
  19. _trickster_

    first concert and album

    Presets at the Horden Pavilion, pretty fucking epic Offspring something something
  20. _trickster_

    What Excercise Did You Do Today?

    bench press is massive fatigue, and after doing nothing for 6 months i reckon ive lost all my muscle mass :(