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  1. _trickster_

    Fallout 3

    so good VATS is a bit hacky though and playing it a 2nd time around seems a little daunting but so good
  2. _trickster_


    looks like another mass media shooter with added quirky things like a more contrasty colour scheme, added things which you dont really need like the sliding movement and new names for weapons even though they're all essentially the same even that command post thingy, looks like a more hacky...
  3. _trickster_

    "In real life, as opposed to novels, it's the worst women get the best men"

    sluts get man whores? im not following here, in terms of what?
  4. _trickster_

    hahaha, i actually had easter eggs on the days before easter, but none on the actual day lol...

    hahaha, i actually had easter eggs on the days before easter, but none on the actual day lol, people were actually really saddened by the fact that i didnt have choc on that day haha and i know how you feel about the whole working out thing, i went to a hol house in nowra with just a couple of...
  5. _trickster_

    Things that annoy you.

    too right mate tell you what else FUCKING MAPLE FLAVOURED SYRUP!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:chainsaw: W.T.F
  6. _trickster_

    get up to much? go away or something? and its about a 11 year old girl who massacres people in...

    get up to much? go away or something? and its about a 11 year old girl who massacres people in the most awesome ways, everything else in that movie is irrelevant :D
  7. _trickster_

    ah not yet how are your hols going? have you seen Kickass lol, so fantastic

    ah not yet how are your hols going? have you seen Kickass lol, so fantastic
  8. _trickster_

    How Happy Are You With Life?

    bout say a 7 really need money
  9. _trickster_

    Things that makes you feel good

  10. _trickster_

    Your sex life in 3 pokemon moves

    pound submission horn drill
  11. _trickster_

    Your sex life in 3 pokemon moves

    harden lock on hydro cannon
  12. _trickster_

    yeh the beach is fantastic, good clean fun, although the lad population is rather high so you...

    yeh the beach is fantastic, good clean fun, although the lad population is rather high so you just gotta put up with that lol, *segway* you should make like bikini's and stuff :D, "lack ofmaterial" ;), yeh thatd be it haha, ok ok, i stand corrected, although, maccas is a international company...
  13. _trickster_

    i am literally, 2 minutes walk to the water, 5 minutes drive to the beach [IMG], not to bondi...

    i am literally, 2 minutes walk to the water, 5 minutes drive to the beach [IMG], not to bondi though, nulla if you want that dress, why didnt you do textiles? woulda been great, and you could have made cool clothes and stuff and rofl, Business Services Administration!? really? sounds like the...
  14. _trickster_

    hahah, all the time, im in Sydney, namely near Cronulla and im just judging you by that pic you...

    hahah, all the time, im in Sydney, namely near Cronulla and im just judging you by that pic you have on your profile, looks........... creativish (thats a word :)) whats BSA?? sounds creativish
  15. _trickster_

    Wedneday :P uhhh, real selective school stuff (why yes i do go to one, ladies, one at a time)...

    Wedneday :P uhhh, real selective school stuff (why yes i do go to one, ladies, one at a time) phys, chem, ad eng, 3U math, software whats you doing? seem like a creative one so im guessing modern and stuff rite?
  16. _trickster_

    im going fantastic thank you, only one exam left :D and yourself?

    im going fantastic thank you, only one exam left :D and yourself?
  17. _trickster_


    bed: 11-12 up: 6:30-7:30 strangely though, whenever i dont have anything the next morning, i get up early but when i do have something (school, sport, tests etc) i get up late WTF IS THIS SHIT:confused:
  18. _trickster_

    Do you masturbate?

    it does relieve stress, so like before an exam is ideal (or during ;))
  19. _trickster_

    why hello there stranger

    why hello there stranger