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  1. Focus is Key

    Does anyone else feel this year is going too slowly?

    Sooo fast. Ugh, terribly annoying trying to finish my two assignments due next week, make notes and revise for the half-yearlies!
  2. Focus is Key

    PIP Survey - Female Politicians and the Media

    Taken, I found it really interesting :) Good topic of research!
  3. Focus is Key

    How do these modules scale?

    Module A: Great Gatsby and Elizabeth Barrett Browning's sonnets Module B: Hamlet Module C: The Fiftieth Gate So, how do these modules scale?
  4. Focus is Key

    Basic Exponential Help

    Yay, thanks :)
  5. Focus is Key

    Basic Exponential Help

    The second one :)
  6. Focus is Key

    Basic Exponential Help

    Solve: 5^x+2=47^3x Thanks guys, I've just been staring out this one for ages and can't think.
  7. Focus is Key

    Integration with log.

    Our teacher says you are allowed to use Integration by Substitution. He even taught it to the 2U people and says you are allowed to use it in exams/HSC.
  8. Focus is Key

    How to draw graph f(x) from f'(x)

    Hopefully someone can explain this better than me. What I always do is consider what the highest power of x will be, which will in turn tell how many bumps your graph will have. E.g. a y=x^2 graph will have one bump etc for will help with the direction of the graph. I usually place any...
  9. Focus is Key

    Can YOU solve this question?

    Ugh I remember this question from last year. You need to know all the formulas from time etc. I remember no-one in the class could get it and the teacher had to show us all how.
  10. Focus is Key

    Share your marks here, peeps

    I feel like I've already posted most of these somewhere, but w/e: English Advanced- Task #1- 90% (=1st), Task #2-97% (=1st) 2U Maths- 96% (2nd) 3U Maths- 79% (3rd) Ancient History- 95% (=1st) CAFS: 100% (=1st) Legal: 88% (2nd) My first assessment for English Extension 2 is...
  11. Focus is Key

    Year 11 2013 Chit Chat Thread

    Lol Year 11's time has gone so quick! Watch out, the HSC will creep up on you!
  12. Focus is Key

    Dropping a sub

    Lol Extension English bludgy subject? Yeah Right! If you keep it I can almost gurantee there will be a large workload for the course.
  13. Focus is Key

    Stupid question but anyway..

    Any function with the leading coefficient having a power of two will be a parabola. E.g. y=x^2 is a typical parabola. y= -100000000x ^2 +x+ 2 will still be a parabola.
  14. Focus is Key

    UOW Discovery Day

    For the discovery day we chose which subjects we would like to do during the day as first, second and third preferences in different time slots. The timetable, which we didn't get today until we arrived at the university, listed the specific classes we would be attending for the day. BTW...
  15. Focus is Key

    UOW Discovery Day

    Nice, really making me look forward to it now :) I'm sure it'll be good, just really want to know my timetable though
  16. Focus is Key

    UOW Discovery Day

    Yep, going on Tuesday. Which day are you going?
  17. Focus is Key

    My School is ranked below 600th.....

    My school is ranked in the late 500's :/. The ranks do fluctuate a lot, especially considering my school has been ranked like in the early-mid 300's just a couple of years ago. Consider the prior cohort in relation to your own. For example, the cohort from the class of 2012 were the worst we've...
  18. Focus is Key

    Year 12 2013 Chit Chat Thread

    Dominating it mate! Mine (though not as good) were: Maths 2U: 22/23 (Silly mistake!) Maths 3U: 20.5/26 (Ran out of time to do a four marker plus silly mistakes) CAFS IRP: 55/55 Report, 10/10 Progress Diary, 10/10 Proposal Getting Legal back in a couple of weeks too. Although the ones...
  19. Focus is Key

    Area between Function and Axis Help!!!

    Yeah I know, I'll give the questions a go tommorow again and come back if I have any issues.