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  1. Focus is Key

    Area between Function and Axis Help!!!

    The example the teacher gave us had had x-axis boundaries of x=1 and x=3 but the textbook question I gave had no boundaries. I understand the fact that you need to absolute value area below the x-axis also.
  2. Focus is Key

    Area between Function and Axis Help!!!

    Yeah I think so, it'd be Upisode down parabola with roots at 4 & 5 and Y-Intercept -20?
  3. Focus is Key

    Area between Function and Axis Help!!!

    He only gave one example which was a different sort of question. I didn't properly understand how to do the normal types....
  4. Focus is Key

    Area between Function and Axis Help!!!

    I have been learning this part of Integration in class. I understand the theory (I think) although there's something that keeps tripping me up on questions. Hopefully, by asking for help I can master the process. Here's one question for example: Find the area bounded by the curve y=...
  5. Focus is Key

    IRP- How long should it be?

    Thanks, the resources and help from you guys on the forum really helped!
  6. Focus is Key

    IRP- How long should it be?

    Bumping just to say thankyou guys for the help. The length of mine was good :) I got 100%, meaning 55/55 for the report, 10/10 for the proposal and 10/10 for my progress diary. Over the moon :D
  7. Focus is Key

    How do you study 2u mathematics?

    I make summaries using school-based notes along with online explanations to try and explain things in the easiest way for me to understand. I make a summary of around 2-4 pages for each topic and staple it. The summary usually has an easier and a harder example for each concept. Then I try to...
  8. Focus is Key

    Just over one week left till 2013ers start their second term.....

    I've achieved (through cramming during the last week :P) English Advanced: Read Great Gatsby, done a past short answer section of HSC, done a tiny bit of notes on belonging. English Ext 1: Read Anil's Ghost, Still got to work lots on an assignment English Ext 2: Ughh I should have been more...
  9. Focus is Key

    Do you suffer from Sleep deprivation?

    Done! Always willing to help out a fellow CAFS student in need :)
  10. Focus is Key

    Belonging Notes...

    I'm making notes relating to Belonging and I need to know the main aspects of belonging that are likely to come up in an exam so I can make headings for each of them. Some I've thought of: Belonging to Place/Community Belonging to individuality Belonging to others/ inter-personal...
  11. Focus is Key

    So how much did you do in the holidays?

    Pretty much this. Apart from Maths + Extension I'm really annoyed at how little I've done. I've read 'The Great Gatsby' and am only like a quarter of the way through 'Anil's Ghost'. I've done a tiny bit of Extension 2 English work but no-where near enough... Last few days will go toward...
  12. Focus is Key

    Teachers who put you to sleep?

    My Year 9 History teacher was horrible. He'd begin by discussing one point vaguely related to History then focus on some hugely irrelevant small piece of information for 45 minutes. People reguarly either fell asleep in his class or mucked up because of his droning, repetitive awful voice and...
  13. Focus is Key

    Student research plan year 10

    We had to do an individual student research project in both years 9 and 10. Year 9 was considered more of a 'practice run' and Year 10 was more serious. I remember in Year 9 I did something about how excercise affects something (can't really remember) and got an A for it. In Year 10 I...
  14. Focus is Key

    Regrets of Picking Certain Subjects

    I don't regret switching from Physics to CAFS in like my 4th week as I got an experience of Physics I really disliked. Although I did dislike it I'd rather not have a dubious 'What if' circulating my mind so in the long term I absolutely don't regret it. I then started to really like CAFS and I...
  15. Focus is Key

    Three Extended Response Questions

    Thanks a bunch :P
  16. Focus is Key

    What are you currently Reading?

    I have to read both 'The Great Gatsby' and 'Anil's Ghost' for the holidays, wonder which I should start with....
  17. Focus is Key

    What are you currently Reading?

    I found some crime texts good. Anything by P.D. James, Agatha Christie, Raymond Chandler, Dick Francis etc. And yeah definitely give 'The Catcher in the Rye' a go.
  18. Focus is Key

    calculus question

    Hint: f'(x)= 1(3x-4)^1/2+x.1/2(3x-4)^-1/2.3 Where I put the dot is times. Then simplfy, differentiate again for f''(x), then subsitute 2 into the second derivative.
  19. Focus is Key

    Three Extended Response Questions

    I have gotten three extended response questions for an assignment on legal. I already have an idea about some points I'm going to use although I'd like any contributions for possible points to consider. All three questions are based on YOUNG OFFENDERS: 1) Discuss the issues surrounding the...