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  1. Focus is Key

    Is year 11 & 12 really that hard?

    The Maths CONTENT you learn in Preliminary year may be assessed in the HSC (not sure on the exact percentage but I remember hearing somewhere max 30% externally). Your results in Year 11 have no bearing on your HSC. In Maths you just need to be aware that Prelim content will definitely be in the...
  2. Focus is Key

    Integration Limits Question Help! Urgent :O

    Oh opps lol, yeah I see :D
  3. Focus is Key

    Integration Limits Question Help! Urgent :O

    Why did you times by a half in the second line? The way I learnt it I thought you had to do it normally but times by the co-efficient of x on the denominator instead?
  4. Focus is Key

    Integration Limits Question Help! Urgent :O

    My question is: The integral of (2x-3)^4 dx with limits of 3 and 1. I think I've made a calculator mistake or perhaps missed a step in the process but I cannot find my mistake! Thanks for any input, I don't know how to use latex :(
  5. Focus is Key

    Least favourite maths topic.

    +1, love circle geo :) Trigonometry and Perms and Combs on the other hand.....
  6. Focus is Key

    What absurd things have people done in your school due to competition and rivalry?

    Re: What absurd things have people done in your school due to competition and rivalry LOL xD For some reason I just can't start if I don't write my name on all my sheets at the very beginning. Really weird of me :O
  7. Focus is Key

    What absurd things have people done in your school due to competition and rivalry?

    Re: What absurd things have people done in your school due to competition and rivalry Yeah I think its more in their nature. I know people like those you describe as well so I think its more of a mixture.
  8. Focus is Key

    How hesitant are you when revealing your marks?

    I'll tell my friends if it's good or bad and they'll do the same to me, anyone else gets told if they ask. I usually get 10ish asking.
  9. Focus is Key

    What absurd things have people done in your school due to competition and rivalry?

    Re: What absurd things have people done in your school due to competition and rivalry +1
  10. Focus is Key

    What absurd things have people done in your school due to competition and rivalry?

    Re: What absurd things have people done in your school due to competition and rivalry At our school some pretty annoying things have happened, although its mainly within the top classes like Maths Advanced, Extension Maths, English Advanced, English Extension etc. There's a girl who is very...
  11. Focus is Key

    Is CAFS a girl subject? Are there any guys doing it?

    Bumping this thread to say girls only doing/being good at CAFS is a ludicrous stereotype. Approximately 50-55 students completed the CAFS Prelim course with 7/60 being boys. The top two both consisted of boys, showing the idea of CAFS being a 'girl's subject' is rubbish. Apart from perhaps the...
  12. Focus is Key

    Year 12 2013 Chit Chat Thread

    Haha probably :P We had a Gangam style flash mob at our school, although I didn't join cause I cannot dance! The principal's ring of secrets, has a nice ring lol
  13. Focus is Key

    Motivation/ success story for 2013/14 hscers

    This makes me feel better about myself too. In a similar vein I was rejected entry into a top 50 selective school in Year 6 after sitting the entrance test, and I have improved dramatically ever since after always being 2nd best. I then assured myself I'd be able to climb to the #1 position...
  14. Focus is Key

    IRP- How long should it be?

    Yeah basically this order, except our teacher didn't require us to use an abstract and the analysis/results secttion was combined. Use the marking criteria if you have one to guide you, there are also heaps of full marks ones on the site (I used one of them as a structure base).
  15. Focus is Key

    IRP- How long should it be?

    Finished it today :D I got to 60 pages (I included like 21 questionnaire responses at the teachers request and like 10 pages is the Appendix so more like 30 of quality work). I only did 4 graphs (2 Pies, 1 Bar and 1 Line) because three of my questions couldn't be graphed so instead I did a...
  16. Focus is Key

    Year 12 2013 Chit Chat Thread

    Lol it would suck to be the person coming 2nd to you. Reminds me of this guy in our class who nobody beat in a maths test all of last year :P
  17. Focus is Key

    Year 12 2013 Chit Chat Thread

    Nice work :D I feed of all the other awesome results on this site like yours too :)
  18. Focus is Key

    Year 12 2013 Chit Chat Thread

    Great work :D You did 9 subjects??!? Did you do Maths Ext 2 by acceleration?
  19. Focus is Key

    Improving in Mathematics?

    Yeah our class uses Maths in Focus for the basics. Once I complete excercises I move onto harder questions (The 'Challenge Excercise' of MIF, Maths Online harder questions, Fitzpatrick, past papers etc.) For me I need to understand how to APPLY the work in many situations so I'm prepared for...