Search results

  1. Focus is Key

    What qualities do you seek in a tutor/teacher?

    Qualities I look for in a tutor, in no particular order: Reasonable Prices Really Good at Explaining Concepts and a Variety of Questions. Lots of Resources Good levels of communication and down to earth Good credentials Good exam technique especially!!!! And yes, use humour, but be...
  2. Focus is Key

    First Assessments

    My first assessment for CAFS was simply submitting my IRP proposal, which I achieved a 10/10 for (only weighted at 5% of my Assessment Mark). I also completed my first English Advanced task over Thursday and Friday. On Thursday we viewed (even though it was a Listening taask!) a ~15 minute...
  3. Focus is Key

    anyone got their atar estimates? how do you feel?

    I don't want to because I don't want to get complacent or a feeling of 'What could have been'. The only ATAR calculator I'll use is maybe the day results are released... because don't want to lose motivation or have a false sense of security.
  4. Focus is Key

    Are you dropping down to 10 units for the HSC, or are you doing more?

    I'm currently doing 13 and probably will keep that up until the end of the HSC year. The only thing I may drop is Extension Maths if I'm not coping.
  5. Focus is Key

    Which of these three students would have the greatest chance of getting dux?

    I'm actually only in Prelim lol. Student B has two 3rd places in Maths Adv and Maths Ext 1 and Student C has a 4th in Adv English. And yes it should say Maths Extension 1 for Student A. It's also interesting to see who would get the highest ATAR. Thanks guys :D We really don't want it to be...
  6. Focus is Key

    Which of these three students would have the greatest chance of getting dux?

    I believe my school only counts first and second places toward the dux award, with first places being worth more than second places. I only included top 2 rankings. Which student A,B or C is most likely to get the dux award?: Student A: 1st place Mathematics 1st place Mathematics...
  7. Focus is Key

    Capture recapture Q

    This is what I would do: 60x120 divided by 30 which gets you 240 seals. (Using the formula) Now this is only 89% of 2008's total population. So then 240 divided by 89 (which gives 1%), then times by 100 to give you the desired amount which is 269.66..., rounding up to give 270 seals :)
  8. Focus is Key

    IRP- How long should it be?

    I've heard really differing thoughts about how long the Independant Research Project Report for CAFS should be. I've even been told that supposedly someone's last year was 80 pages long :O I really don't understand how people could go 50+ pages and I'm wondering from former/current CAFS students...
  9. Focus is Key

    Any Study Tips for my Subjects??

    I've probably not really been doing as much study as I should be, or I could at least be doing quite a bit more. Just wondering if any current or past HSC students have any advice for studying for the following subjects (any of them really): English Advanced English Ext 1 English Ext 2...
  10. Focus is Key

    The year 12's of 2013- long-term HSC goals.

    After the marks have been scaled and aligned and whatever: Advanced English: 95+ Extension 1 English: 45/50- E4 Extension 2 English: 45/50- E4 Ancient History: 95+ Legal Studies: 93+ Mathematics: 90+ CAFS: 95+ Ext 1 Maths: Hmm maybe high 30's. I'll do my absolute best to try and...
  11. Focus is Key

    Do you think I could achieve a Band 6 in Advanced English?

    These were my Prelim Marks for Advanced (with an overall rank of 1st place). The school is low-ranking though so I'm unsure whether I can achieve it. Usually a couple of people get Band 6 (last year only 1 but the year before that I think 3/4). My marks: AOS Unseen Responses: 14/15...
  12. Focus is Key

    Prelim Exam Results

    Imagine that, a cohort full of English freaks haha :P
  13. Focus is Key

    Prelim Exam Results

    Because I beat my friend/rival by 1 mark in the exam I beat him in the overall assessment ranking lol. He is so pissed because this is the 3rd subject where he's come second to me by almost nothing. I had the same thing happen to me last year so he should deal with it lol
  14. Focus is Key

    Roll Call: Class of 2013

    Advanced English Extension 1 English Extension 2 English Maths 2U Maths 3U CAFS (Going to aim very high, state rank high) Legal Studies Ancient History ATAR Aim: 95+ and All-Rounders. My dream result: 97.4 (Just so I can achieve the highest result our school ever has by beating my...
  15. Focus is Key

    How many hours of study are you currently doing?

    2-3 on a normal school afternoon. When I have a 2 hour tutoring or English Extension or whatever I try for 1-2 hours. (closer to 2 usually)
  16. Focus is Key

    Prelim Exam Results

    CAFS: 80%- 68/85- 2nd place Advanced English- 85% (If not for the creative writing getting an 8/15 I would easily be mid 90's :(...- 72/85- Rank 1 Extension English: 39/60- 1st place- Oh dear, totally rushed one of the essays because I had shit time management Maths Advanced- 41/69 lol...
  17. Focus is Key

    Prelim Exam Results

    Lol wtf. How can you be that good at Chem and Physics but that bad at Bio lol? That doesn't make sense to me. And English sitting right down in the middle.
  18. Focus is Key

    Anyone else finding homework very time consuming?

    Know how you feel. It took me like an hour to do my Ancient homework yesterday to the standard that I wanted.
  19. Focus is Key

    Prelim Exam Results

    Woah, you're marks are brilliant. What I'd give to have that talent :( In before 99.95 atar lol
  20. Focus is Key

    Prelim Exam Results

    I wasn't sure whether to post this in the Prelim section but since HSC 2013 has started I thought I may as well post it here. Have you guys got your yearly exam results back? If so, how did you go? I did fairly average but I'm very content considering the considerable difficulty of some of...