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  1. Focus is Key

    Dropping 3 unit?

    I have a similar situation in that I certainly miserably failed my Prelims for MX1, and didn't do overly flash in Advanced either from what I understand although I did far better in all other assessments just like you. I reckon you should keep Extension, perhaps it was a combination of slacking...
  2. Focus is Key

    42 hours

    When you say studying, is that seperate from homework given or does that include the homework as well? (Hopefully the latter :P)
  3. Focus is Key

    42 hours

    Pretty excited, most of the courses seem more interesting this time around. Plus my Maths marks 're-set' lol so I can avenge my Prelim marks lol I'll follow Deswa's advice; I'll try my absolute best and If I can say I tried my absolute hardest I'll be satisfied.
  4. Focus is Key

    1994 Past paper question

    Would using the T-Methods work as well?
  5. Focus is Key

    Did your classes actually finish the Prelim course?

    I think there were a few little things that we didn't finish in Advanced like Quadratics and definately some stuff in the Extension course too. Our teacher basically spent forever on Circle Geo, Polynomials and a couple of the Algebraic Extension Maths things and tended to rush other topics (My...
  6. Focus is Key

    What subjects are you dropping ?

    Wow that's really amazing; shows you're really dedicated to Bio :) I reckon you can def keep it up for the HSC by having that awesome self-discipline! You must own Bio for me too lol- show em you can beat everyone through self-study. Btw that's the plan for me with Ancient at the moment. I'm...
  7. Focus is Key

    What subjects are you dropping ?

    Dropping Biology, we have the worst teacher in the world. It's a pity too considering I am actually quite interested in it. I am not joking when I say she makes all my knowledge of Science evaporate. The only reason I reckon I believe I'll score high 70's- mid 80's in the Prelims is because: 1)...
  8. Focus is Key

    What will happened to this teacher who got busted?

    Not any of the top selective schools lol, just a school ranked in the mid 300's- early 400's most years lol
  9. Focus is Key

    State Rank in CAFS

    Oh ok cool. It seems the multiple choice questions are my worst. Thanks for responding :) I'll try and aim for a 99ish result then. My internal mark is 99 at the moment (The 1% was lost on a speech) but I'm in Prelim at the moment so there is still a chance.
  10. Focus is Key

    What will happened to this teacher who got busted?

    Lol :D I don't get why he'd do such a stupid thing, like surely he didn't think everyone would keep their mouths shut. Good on the principal for firing him lol
  11. Focus is Key

    What will happened to this teacher who got busted?

    Okay, so at our school we have this really terrible teacher who cannot teach for all he is worth. Even the brightest students trying to learn under him fail because he drones on and on apparently in a completely monotonous voice. He taught me for Year 9 History but luckily I have not had too...
  12. Focus is Key

    How well do my subjects scale and how well for 95+ATAR?

    These are are going to be my HSC Subjects. Extension 2 English (3 will be in it) Extension 1 English (3 people will be in it) Advanced English (25-30 people will be kept) Extension 1 Maths (Approx 4 people) Advanced Maths (Approx 15 people) Legal Studies (Approx 25 people) CAFS (Approx 45...
  13. Focus is Key

    Assessment thread.

    :skip: !ow thats amazing, grats on all your other excellent results too!!!!!!
  14. Focus is Key

    Assessment thread.

    Over the last two days I received a 48/50 (96%) for my Biology Assignment which was first and also an 8.5/10 for my Extension English Creative Writing Genre Task (I'm uncertain as to rank because there are only 3 in the class, one got 8/10, I got 8.5/10 and the other guy hasn't got his marks...
  15. Focus is Key

    Who memorises essays for english?

    I tend to organise my essay planning into techniques, quotes and effects which I memorise. I don't memorise whole paragraphs or anything, because if I did that it'd be too difficult to remember and they probably wouldn't even fit the question well. To me the only things worth memorising exactly...
  16. Focus is Key

    State Rank in CAFS

    Hi there :) I was curious as to what raw mark approximately would be needed to obtain a state rank in the CAFS course. I am going to aim high, and although I really doubt I'd get a state rank, it'd be good to know what sort of a mark I'd need in the external exam. Obviously you would have to be...
  17. Focus is Key

    Assessment thread.

    Maths Advanced: 24.5/27(91%)-3rd place, all of the marks were silly mistakes too lol Maths Ext 1: 35.5/37 (96%)- 2nd place Cafs: 30/30 (100%)- 1st place Ancient History: 23.5/25- (94%)=1st place and most people got like 50% or lower :o Getting English ext 1 tomorrow and I think I did pretty...
  18. Focus is Key

    First in course

    Wow, that's completely weird! I hate it when teachers try to justify putting in some of those 'deconstruction' questions and such. It should be about knowledge of the content and application! Our Maths Teacher pulled something like this in our Assessment 1 for 2U and Ext 1 Maths. He seperated...
  19. Focus is Key

    Worst/Best subjects!?

    Biology: Interest: -10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/10 :( So dropping it at the end of Year 11!
  20. Focus is Key

    Failing English?

    The marks don't matter too much, though your ranks definately do. Your school may set harder or easier assessment tasks than other schools and we really wouldn't know. The best advice I can give is to find out your rank (or at least estimate based on what you know) then you can come to a...