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  1. Focus is Key

    Ext Eng. Help?

    I'm studying Dracula, that has werewolves in certain parts of it but its not centred around them and is from the late 1800's.
  2. Focus is Key

    Assessment thread.

    Hope you do well in all of them! Good luck. I've got an Extension Maths test tomorrow, better stop procrastinating!
  3. Focus is Key

    Assessment thread.

    Thanks :) the question is whether I can do it again lol
  4. Focus is Key

    Assessment thread.

    Legal Studies In Class Research Essay (25% yearly mark): 25/25 1st place!!!!! So happy about that!
  5. Focus is Key

    Assessment thread.

    I can't wait to find out my Legal Studies results!!! Think I smashed it!!! Though I'm really scared about my English Advanced Listening task, such a nightmare and I know I got so many questions wrong :(
  6. Focus is Key

    Assessment thread.

    English Change Creative Story: 17/21 =2nd first was one mark above! Holding onto 1st but the second place guy overall is crazy good! The teacher got 19/21 because she did the task too! Considering she has amazing qualifications and performed the test under the same conditions as the class, I'm...
  7. Focus is Key

    Worst/Best subjects!?

    Ease: CAFS- 10/10 English Advanced- 9/10 Ancient History- 8.5/10 Maths Advanced- 8/10 Legal Studies- 7.5/10 Extension English- 7.5/10 Maths Extension- 6.5/10 Biology- 6.5/10 (Don't pay any attention in class because we have the worst teacher ever, when I try more like an 8)...
  8. Focus is Key

    How competitive is your cohort?

    Just wondering how competitive the cohorts of the school's you people go to are really. My school is ranked very low (though does fluctuate sometimes gaining 100+ ranking), and I feel has a pretty competitive cohort, particuarly in English and Maths. In English, we have 4 people in Advanced...
  9. Focus is Key

    Assessment thread.

    Yeah my Ext 1 mark for Maths was quite a bit better than the 2U mark. I think our teacher just made the test far too difficult and not suitable for Year 11 students. Only four of us passed lol.
  10. Focus is Key

    Favourite and Least Favourite Prelim Subjects

    English Ext 1>>Ancient History>> Ext 1 Maths>> CAFS>> Legal Studies=English Advanced>> Advanced Maths>> Biology :( I don't like my Bio teacher and she isn't that good on focusing on major points! Ancient is getting quite a lot better actually! We're finally doing something interesting!
  11. Focus is Key

    worst/best english novel you have ever read in school?

    Oh I really liked that, read it in Year 5! Inspired me to buy the entire collection!
  12. Focus is Key

    worst/best english novel you have ever read in school?

    Yeah I read it in Year 8 at school. No-one seemed to appreciate it, glad you like it too :)
  13. Focus is Key

    worst/best english novel you have ever read in school?

    Worst: "Blueback" "To Kill a Mockingbird" Also wasn't very fond of a lot of Shakespeare Best: "Nineteen Eighty Four" "Catcher in the Rye" "Chinese Cinderella" "The Happiest Refugee"
  14. Focus is Key

    Favourite and Least Favourite Prelim Subjects

    Absolutely! I reckon my annoying and vague Physics teacher played a huge part in me dropping it for CAFS lol Also yeah you're getting more out of the subject with a good teacher so generally most people would probably like the subject more.
  15. Focus is Key

    Any advice please.

    Yeah my teacher very, very rarely gives a 20/20 as well. Sometimes an essay considered "virtually perfect" as she says isn't enough. She originally had my essay at 20/20 but on a second marking took it down to a 19/20. For our first task there was one 19, two 18's, a 17 and then pretty much...
  16. Focus is Key

    Favourite and Least Favourite Prelim Subjects

    I, along with seemingly everyone in our Advanced class, would far prefer the Extension 1 method as well. Most of the people I've talked to dislike English due to its huge focus on the techniques and analysis so I reckon it'd benefit everyone if a syllabus similar to Ext 1 was implemented.
  17. Focus is Key

    Favourite and Least Favourite Prelim Subjects

    Its exactly the same for me dr cookie!. Last year we had this really good teacher who could explain really well and the majority of our class got 85%+ on tests. This year our teacher is very smart but can't explain well at all and just like your teacher his methods are really annoying and vague...
  18. Focus is Key

    Favourite and Least Favourite Prelim Subjects

    Hey guys, I was just wondering what your favourite and most hated subjects are. For me: Favourite- Extension 1 English: I find the class so interesting and far better than Advanced English. In Extension English you actually delve into the context of the novels and aren't just seemingly only...
  19. Focus is Key

    Assessment thread.

    Yay 15/15 for my first Cafs assignment! I think my ranks are: Eng Adv: 1/50 Ext 1 Eng: =1/4 3u Maths: 3/8 2u Maths: 4/18 might be 3rd actually(screwed the test big time) Ancient: 2/28ish (by 1 mark!) Legal: 1/25 Cafs: =1/50 So I'm happy so far just hoping to improve Maths and...
  20. Focus is Key

    Haha yep. We have like 4 boys and 20 something girls in our class. Its better than the other...

    Haha yep. We have like 4 boys and 20 something girls in our class. Its better than the other CAFS class at our school though, thats got like 1 boy and 27 girls or something lol