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  1. Scissors

    'TV soaps have White Australia policy'

    i wanna see a lebo on home and away.
  2. Scissors

    Your feelings towards internationals.

    yeah, aussies really aren't racist. obviously, you'll encounter the odd stupid bogan who may give you a hard time, but who really gives a fuck?
  3. Scissors

    your opinions on experimenting with drugs.. while on schoolies?

    the roof the roof the roof is on fire! we don't need nothing but weed and a lighter!
  4. Scissors

    what type of bank account should I get?

  5. Scissors

    what type of bank account should I get?
  6. Scissors

    what type of bank account should I get?

    guys, arab bank is the shit.
  7. Scissors

    Yet Another What UAI will i get thread

    you're in quite a crummy position tbh.
  8. Scissors

    your opinions on experimenting with drugs.. while on schoolies?

    i'm gonna smoke lots of weed on schoolies.
  9. Scissors

    Give an example of a political influence on law.

    like, before an election the government may choose to persue a certain agenda in order to attract votes. e.g. lowering taxes just before an election in order to be voted in for an extra term.
  10. Scissors

    My exam is longer than yours.

    he's pretty sexy imo.
  11. Scissors

    How tall are you?

    ahaha, i just realised that the phrase 'silly asian' is an oxymoron.
  12. Scissors

    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 2 Chatter Thread yo fp - you didn't answer my question. were you on the train today? and you got off at redfern station?
  13. Scissors

    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 2 Chatter Thread hey, i think i saw you today. were you on the train today? and you got off at redfern?
  14. Scissors

    men think women are week wahts your view

    do you know what ironic means?
  15. Scissors

    We are paying $238,000 in tax dollars for every single auto manufacturing employee

    SOMEBODY GIVE ME A FUCKING STRAIGHT ANSWER! i'm actually interested about this.
  16. Scissors

    We are paying $238,000 in tax dollars for every single auto manufacturing employee

    seriously though, what can indonesia offer us? why is the government so quick to chuck money their way when we're in desperate need for it?
  17. Scissors

    How tall are you?

    silly asian.