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  1. Scissors

    Rules for Customers

    ur a bus driver?
  2. Scissors

    17, pregnant, yr 12 next year.. what do i do?

    wasn't jebus god?
  3. Scissors

    17, pregnant, yr 12 next year.. what do i do?

    may i kill god instead? wait, we already did that huh?
  4. Scissors

    Global Financial Crisis

    the islams?
  5. Scissors

    17, pregnant, yr 12 next year.. what do i do?

    may i take ur life away? :)
  6. Scissors

    17, pregnant, yr 12 next year.. what do i do?

    obviously it wouldn't want to die, but i mean, i personally would prefer to have never been brought into this world if i was a product of rape or incest. actually, i wouldn't mind rape. i'm not condoning rape, but i'm just saying that i wouldn't have as much an issue with it as opposed to be...
  7. Scissors

    Conservative muslims take over Somalia

    but they public.
  8. Scissors

    17, pregnant, yr 12 next year.. what do i do?

    but would the baby really want to live knowing that it's a product of incest or rape?
  9. Scissors

    17, pregnant, yr 12 next year.. what do i do?

    let's just thank the lord she didn't get in.
  10. Scissors

    Conservative muslims take over Somalia

    well, in egypt, people take shits in public.
  11. Scissors

    what type of bank account should I get?

    dude, i quoted your post cause i'm gonna get someone to unscramble the fuzzy part of the pic, and i'm gonna steal ur monies. :)
  12. Scissors

    what type of bank account should I get?

    how did u manage to get one of those?
  13. Scissors


    i hope the bitch dies. she's fucking annoying.
  14. Scissors

    me and my friend got the same ranking for english. is this possible?

    i just asked a friend what he got for english, and his rank was the same as mine. should i call the school and ask them wtf is up?
  15. Scissors

    17, pregnant, yr 12 next year.. what do i do?

    lullzz, iz yu dum? she duzn't cair!
  16. Scissors

    who believes religion is out dated

    yeah exactly. i cbf'ed going through something which has been gone through 1000 times before.
  17. Scissors

    who believes religion is out dated

    cbf arguing with you. you're illogical.
  18. Scissors

    who believes religion is out dated

    we obviously don't need god in this day and age. it's actually pretty absurd that people could still believe in a big man that lives in the sky.
  19. Scissors

    17, pregnant, yr 12 next year.. what do i do?

    ahahahaha. that is all.