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  1. Scissors

    Who from this forum has a music blog?

    the black guy's got one. hiphophooray.
  2. Scissors

    Are you homosexual/bisexual?

    :( i feel so fucking bad now. seriously though ambi, i wish you luck for your hsc. i hope you get what you're after.
  3. Scissors

    Age What Dose It Matter!!!!!!

    wait wait wait. what?
  4. Scissors

    Are you homosexual/bisexual?

    yeah. i feel bad. sorry ambi. good luck in high school.
  5. Scissors

    Are you homosexual/bisexual?

    alright. i'll get off your back. sorry if i offended you.
  6. Scissors

    Are you homosexual/bisexual?

    it's insane that you finish high school at 19 years of age. also, your grasp of the english language is extremely poor for a 19 year old. i just find it insane that you will be 20 years old when i'll only be 17 years old at the end of this year, and i've finished school! for fucks sakes. if...
  7. Scissors

    Are you homosexual/bisexual?

    jesus christ. insane.
  8. Scissors

    Are you homosexual/bisexual?

    wait, so you'll be 20 years old when you finish school?
  9. Scissors

    Are you homosexual/bisexual?

    ahahahahahahahahaha ambi! you're 19 and still in year 11?!?!
  10. Scissors

    17, pregnant, yr 12 next year.. what do i do?

    haha same, and a few ppl have already told her that it's wrong.
  11. Scissors

    Rules for Customers

    hey, weren't u a mod? what happened?
  12. Scissors

    Whose bringing a shisha machine up to schoolies?

    yeah, they're not illegal anyway. you wouldn't have a problem getting them through customs.
  13. Scissors

    17, pregnant, yr 12 next year.. what do i do?

    and you're retarded!
  14. Scissors

    what's your fave ice-cream?

    zooper doopers.
  15. Scissors


    i hadn't worked out for around 6 months prior to my hsc, and i only started about a week ago, and it's taken me about a week to get back into my regular workout routine.
  16. Scissors

    Whose bringing a shisha machine up to schoolies?

    what are shishas?
  17. Scissors

    What have you sacrificed for the HSC this/next year.

    i sacrificed a goat. oh wait, that was for god.
  18. Scissors

    17, pregnant, yr 12 next year.. what do i do?

    and anyway, whoever thinks that abortions should be outlawed is an absolute twit.
  19. Scissors

    17, pregnant, yr 12 next year.. what do i do?

    do you ever question your faith? do you ever think to yourself that MAYBE your religion isn't the truth?