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  1. Scissors

    17, pregnant, yr 12 next year.. what do i do?

    you really need to learn to write proper english. i know infants who would be capable of producing better sentences than yours.
  2. Scissors

    Conservative muslims take over Somalia

    i've read the same sort of post 1000 times before.
  3. Scissors

    healthy alcohol

    guiness is pretty yuk in my opinion. it's got the same consistency as soup.
  4. Scissors

    who believes religion is out dated

    it'z a test. lulz
  5. Scissors

    Healing the 'scars' the HSC has left you

    get over your paramedic shit.
  6. Scissors

    Healing the 'scars' the HSC has left you

    me 2, lull. me can't speak the englishes anymore.
  7. Scissors

    do u need to be 18 to buy a vibrator?

    i bought my vibrator when i was 17.
  8. Scissors

    Nigerian scam awareness - Post all nigerian scams you have received

    ahaha, i remember i recieved an email that said that i'd won like a billion dollars, and that they needed 1200$ in clerical fees, in order to be able to deposit the money into my bank account. i just told them to minus the fee from my winnings. didn't recieve another email.
  9. Scissors

    who believes religion is out dated

  10. Scissors

    Cum - to spit or to swallow?

    L - you're very fucking annoying. :)
  11. Scissors

    What's your job and how much you earn?

    this reminds me of the swartznigga scene "who is ur daddy and what does he do?"
  12. Scissors

    Stop Work Meeting on Wednesday!

    yo, do you have asperger's syndrome?
  13. Scissors

    Barack Obama - 44th President of the USA

    dude, xeva ain't hot.
  14. Scissors

    We are paying $238,000 in tax dollars for every single auto manufacturing employee

    comparative advantage? just throwing that out there.
  15. Scissors

    'TV soaps have White Australia policy'

    OMGSHHH!! u is such a sterotipeing idiot. not all lebozz are rapers u idiot!! my cuzn is a dctorz!
  16. Scissors

    What won't you miss about high school.

    i'm not gonna miss ALL the executives at my school (including the office bitches). Will definitely miss Ms. Byrd. :(
  17. Scissors

    men think women are week wahts your view

    yeah, i don't think she's a troll either. yo boris, is it true that katie_tully is your sister?
  18. Scissors

    what type of bank account should I get?

    but as far as honesty goes with banks, arab bank is pretty high up there.