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  1. Scissors

    UAI available to the public?

    i'm available to the public. ;)
  2. Scissors

    where wld u go?

    lullzzz, i camme bi plain, u caime in chainzzz. ^____^
  3. Scissors

    where wld u go?

    illegal immigrant huh?
  4. Scissors

    where wld u go?

  5. Scissors

    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2008)

    Re: Semester 2 Chatter Thread how are so many people finishing uni in just 3 years? i always thought that a standard degree runs for around 4 years?
  6. Scissors

    Best Beer for Girls

    girls don't drink beer. *waits for ziggy.zoozah to jump on me*
  7. Scissors

    Which famous person(s) have you seen/met?

    you met barbara bush?!?! i fucking envy you.
  8. Scissors

    Australian Politics

    no. i don't wanna see them.
  9. Scissors

    Australian Politics

    dude, you've totally got the wrong idea of what you're gonna be doing. you won't be jumping out of helicopters in mid-air and fighting bad guys. that's like me thinking i'm going to be busting into old dusty factories busting bad guys if i were an fbi agent. get out of your little bubble...
  10. Scissors

    Are you homosexual/bisexual?

    how the fuck did someone as stupid as you accelerate? or have you already done your hsc before? i smell inconsistency.
  11. Scissors

    Australian Politics

    ahahaha, i just got this picture of you in a frilly nurse's dress jumping out of a helicopter. made me lol.
  12. Scissors

    Are you homosexual/bisexual?

    you also seem to leave out quite a few punctuation marks you silly bitch!
  13. Scissors

    Are you homosexual/bisexual?

  14. Scissors

    Perfume Questions ??

    guys, just wear lynx or BRUT
  15. Scissors

    Are you homosexual/bisexual?

    i am a pussy. what now?
  16. Scissors

    Are you homosexual/bisexual?

    :(. i'm seriously ashamed of myself. i've got to revert to my old ways. now.
  17. Scissors

    Are you homosexual/bisexual?

    come on bro, that's harsh. i'm just showing some compassion. oh fuck, you're right. i have been pussified. :(
  18. Scissors

    Are you homosexual/bisexual?

    come on dude. i ain't a pussy.
  19. Scissors

    Would you...

    silly asian.
  20. Scissors

    DIAGNOSE ME: I've got a lump under my arm, in my armpit. Could this be cancerous?

    yo guys, it's all good. it's not there anymore.