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  1. Scissors

    has anybody here worked as a security guard?

    but don't you have to be receiving welfare payments in order for centrelink to subsidies the course?
  2. Scissors

    Fatties have right to extra airline seat

    how many seats would this man require? should we allow this sort of person on a plane? or should we opt to transport him from A -> B via ship?
  3. Scissors

    Fatties have right to extra airline seat

    hey fatty boom boom, sweet sugar dumpling, let me get you something
  4. Scissors

    Gaza situation "desperate"

    i'm up for it. i've got the Palestinian scarf thingy.
  5. Scissors

    has anybody here worked as a security guard?

    i will, but not now because i don't have a camera. i'll post my formal pics.
  6. Scissors

    has anybody here worked as a security guard?

    ahaha kev, thanks for the links bro. appreciated.
  7. Scissors

    Cricket Season 2007/2008

    i don't rate the muff.
  8. Scissors

    has anybody here worked as a security guard?

    so, i'm thinking of applying for my security guard license but i'm not sure if i'm old enough to do so (i'm 17). i don't want to be a bouncer, just a security guard at events such as concerts and whatnot. also, do you have to be really bulky to be a secuirty guard? because i'm pretty muscley...
  9. Scissors

    Imams condone rape, violence right here in Australia

    ahahaha jb, you still need to get the cambridge definition.
  10. Scissors

    Distinction Course Discussion

    sif you actually laughed out loud (literally)
  11. Scissors

    Distinction Course Discussion

    namu, that is possibly the lamest post you've ever made, and many of your posts are quite lame. stick to maths. please refrain from making any more 'jokes'.
  12. Scissors

    Fatties have right to extra airline seat

    oh wtf! when i read 'this is a joke' in the op's post i thought the entire article was a joke and fatties weren't given the right to an extra seat free of charge. fuck. this shit is outrageous. as waf said, you choose to stuff your face everyday, deal with it bitch. buy your own extra seat.
  13. Scissors

    A day in Uni

    per week?
  14. Scissors

    do NOT ever think about eating smoked tuna

    yo kev, can you send me that wiki article? i've always wanted to read it.
  15. Scissors

    Cricket Season 2007/2008

    i don't rate cricket.
  16. Scissors

    Gaza situation "desperate"

  17. Scissors

    how many people have you shagged?

    can you please set out which were the guys and which we the girls (if any) please?
  18. Scissors

    Big Day Out Sideshows Announced (Lupe, Hot Chip etc)

    my friend is a security guard at this event.
  19. Scissors

    do NOT ever think about eating smoked tuna

    ahahaha, is ebony arab?