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  1. Scissors

    Who will you vote for? Australian political parties

    and we don't need old cunts milking the welfare system. and babies born into welfare and poverty still have the potential to be productive.
  2. Scissors

    Who will you vote for? Australian political parties

    because we fucking need babies! for chirst's sake. it's already been said 5000000 times. and besides, if a woman has a baby for the sake of having a baby, we've a duty of care to provide for that baby because it isn't its fault that its mum's a douche.
  3. Scissors

    how many people have you shagged?

    dude, you're so fucking seedy.
  4. Scissors

    Having a sperm collection.

    mine gets flushed down the toilet. or, on special occasions, down kevin's throat.
  5. Scissors

    Have you ever tasted your own cum/jizz/spunk/juice/jism/cream?

    apparently, drinking your own semen makes your chest hair grow longer. so, in essence, only real men drink their own semen.
  6. Scissors

    Does God exist?

    i've read parts of the satanic bible, and to be honest, half the things contained within it are more sane than the things contained within the real bible.
  7. Scissors

    Interview at Woolworths Help needed please

    dude, cheso woolies always need workers. you'll probably all be picked.
  8. Scissors

    safe sex?

    just use an empty pack of doritos.
  9. Scissors

    The Dream Thread

    Re: Strange Dreams i once had a dream that i'm too ashamed to recount.
  10. Scissors

    How to pronounce 'Skrzynecki'

  11. Scissors

    Fatties have right to extra airline seat

    how did you do without it? what was your source of finance?
  12. Scissors

    The F1 Thread

    re: The Official F1 Thread wow, this thread's got 76000 views and only 5000 posts.
  13. Scissors

    Fatties have right to extra airline seat

    i just mean that your views are real rigid. they're unbending. also, as iron said, we need kids. and katie, were you paid maternity leave when you had your kid? if so, could you have done without it?
  14. Scissors

    Fatties have right to extra airline seat

    katie, you're pretty unbending.
  15. Scissors

    UAI Estimate please!!

    dude, i looked at all your marks. even as scaled marks, those sorts of figures will definitely put you over the 90 mark. good work.
  16. Scissors

    Sarah Palin...again.

    fucking lol. i've no idea how the people of alaska voted her in as governor.
  17. Scissors

    UAI Estimate please!!

    87?!?! dude, you're DEFINITELY over 90. definitely.