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  1. Paroissien


    Never heard that one. Who said it?
  2. Paroissien

    Minoans: Gender of the Ruler?

    All I need is points. I've got prominence of women in frescoes, proportions of throne, decoration of throne room and the prominence of female deities, although that doesn't prove much about the gender of the ruler in my opinion. Any more?
  3. Paroissien

    Water tests

    Not exactly sure what you mean... but soft water lathers (eg. Sydney) and hard water doesn't (or at least not easily, eg. Adelaide)
  4. Paroissien

    sacrificial anodes and ganising

  5. Paroissien

    Ethene and Ethanol

    I know for certain that concentrated sulfuric acid is used for dehydration; but hydration is another matter. Different text books say different things, but I think I'll stick with dilute sulfuric acid
  6. Paroissien

    1991 Question 2b

    Thanks everyone, that really cleared it up
  7. Paroissien

    1999 Q7a iii

    And why do you do that? That is the part I got stuck at, I've got the speeds, but why do you use the tan thing?
  8. Paroissien


    Now that's what I call a textbook definition. Cheers
  9. Paroissien

    What is that frontline quote...?

    Yeah. Out of all the modules, Frontline was by far my favourite.
  10. Paroissien


    How would you define it?
  11. Paroissien

    Carr vs. Elton Debate

    Ok, the one crucial difference between Carr and post-modernist freaks (according to John Warren) is that Carr didn't accept that objectivity was beyond our reach. According to Carr, the objective historian is one who has the right understanding of the pattern of development of history, which...
  12. Paroissien

    Quoting or Paraphrasing?

    Now that I can handle. I didn't fancy memorising 10s of 10s of quotes
  13. Paroissien

    Formation of ozone

    I've got to say Acidic Environment was my favourite
  14. Paroissien

    Ethene and Ethanol

    Anyway, you worried me, so I went looking for the answer. Hydration is exothermic, and in fact so is dehydration. And on another note, what is the best catalyst for hydration? Phosphoric acid or dilute sulfuric acid?
  15. Paroissien

    Water tests

    DO you can just use a calibrated oxygen sensor electrode. But I'm assuming you are referring to the Winkler method, in which Mn2+ ions are added to the sample. And of course the oxygen oxidises it. The sample is then treated with a known amount of potassium iodide. It is then titrated with...
  16. Paroissien

    Ethene and Ethanol

    I'm not entirely sure, but I'll take a guess and so they are both endo. Do we need to know this?
  17. Paroissien

    1999 Q7a iii

    Sorry to bombard you with all these questions. (all angles in degrees) A cricket ball leaves the bowler's hand 2m above the ground with a velocity of 30m/s at an angle of 5 below the horizontal. The equations of the motion of the ball are: x(accel) = 0 and y(accel) = -10 i) x = 30tcos(5)...
  18. Paroissien

    1991 Question 2b

    Thanks very much, and this might be a foolish question, but how did you know that there were three answer, when you only had two for x + pi/6 = ... How do you know when there is a third value?
  19. Paroissien


    Ink wouldn't (as far as I know), but just replace the word ink with plant pigments and you'll be laughing.
  20. Paroissien

    some one help!

    Will do, but I'll answer it in forensics