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  1. Paroissien

    1991 Question 2b

    A simple question, but difficult to type out. cosx + (root3)sinx = 1 What method do you use to solve this, and could you please demonstrate the method. My teacher taught me one way, but it takes too damn long
  2. Paroissien


    Yeah, took me a far while as well. Thankfully I got in first though!
  3. Paroissien

    Prac - decarbonating soft drink

    I suggest in the HSC you put a step in where you either heat it (better) or add salt (crapper). There is more chemistry involved in those methods than simply shaking it, which is a good thing
  4. Paroissien

    essay memorising tips.. how do u do it?

    There is no way you can memorise a creative piece of writing. The topic is just far too broad. It is like trying to memorise the techniques of particular cartoons and poems in the hope that they will be part of question 1. Ok, maybe not quite that bad, but you get my point
  5. Paroissien

    # of criticisms for Gwenny

    I'll be doing Father and Child (is it possible to just do Barn Owl aim54x?), Prize giving and Glass Jar. I am just hoping to god they don't specifically name a poem, unless it is one I know well
  6. Paroissien

    What is that frontline quote...?

    That's the one I'm after. Thanks very much
  7. Paroissien

    modern historians in ancient

    I haven't read anything by Bradley on the topic of Rome. But Grant does well with those other two
  8. Paroissien

    What is that frontline quote...?

    I can't exactly remember Mike's quote in 'We Ain't Got Dames' about how his story looks like an ad for Sportsgirl. Does anyone know the exact quote?
  9. Paroissien

    Futurama? Which Episode for TTT?

    Forget it, at least all episodes i seasons 1-3. There are a few small things, but nothing with enough substance to use in an essay
  10. Paroissien


    Sure we can expect that trend to continue. I challenge anyone to disprove that.
  11. Paroissien

    Carr vs. Elton Debate

    This might be wrong, but from memory Carr didn't want to deny the possibility of objective truth, and ended up taking some sort of shaky middle ground. Would it be worth mentioning that?
  12. Paroissien

    Formation of ozone

    The first two topic owned compared to CM&M and forensics. God I hate forensics
  13. Paroissien

    Quoting or Paraphrasing?

    I don't get it
  14. Paroissien


    Have you actually looked at the past HSC papers. Question 42 there has been one question just on Augustus every year (2001, 2002 and 2003) What are you talking about?
  15. Paroissien

    How can the truth be represented

    Briefly the 'truth' can be represented in different ways according to the wishes of those who control the truth, such as the government. An example of hos 'truth' can be represented is 'Add Sex and Stir' where they completed manipulated the truth in order to boost their ratings. Hence what gets...
  16. Paroissien

    general case study quesiton

    Hahah. You are confusing me too. Finish the essay, then post it here and it can be assessed
  17. Paroissien

    general case study quesiton

    I'm doing the Elizabeth case study. Elton on political administration and gender and identity Hmm... I'd probably have to give a brief overview of Elton's opinon of Elizabeth and then go into detail about specific areas and discuss what has influenced his view. Hmm... the more I think about...
  18. Paroissien


    You are given the concentration of the HCl (or the H+ anyway) in the dam, although you have probably picked that up. Did you get the right answer btw?
  19. Paroissien


    The awesome thing is I did an assignment on him, so I know quite a lot about him. It also helps out for Agrippina topic
  20. Paroissien

    Turn the Simpsons on - classic episode on

    Holy shit! You're right! That never clicked with me either