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  1. Omium

    Teacher marked me too high.. by mistake.

    During my HSC trial for math i was supposed to get 99 but the teacher gave me 100. I didn't mind.
  2. Omium

    Most Interesting thing You've learnt so far in your degree at UNSW

    I tried to derive that equation for resonance during the summer break, i got a weird and ugly Differential equation, Which didn't match up :(
  3. Omium

    you are at uni and where?

    Yeah, Copy-paste doesnt work, also i can't open new tabs or windows or anything :(
  4. Omium

    you are at uni and where?

    Walk into the physics building (the entrance for the first year physics labs). Instead of turning and going to the first year lab you keep going straight (past the pillar ;)) Then you turn right and keep walking straight towards the STAIRS. Before you reach the stairs turn right again and...
  5. Omium

    Most Interesting thing You've learnt so far in your degree at UNSW

    For me: If we consider a pool table (normal with 6 holes in it) and we have an electron on the pool table, which is moving around, according to Quantum physics the electron MUST pass through all 6 holes at the same time. What is yours?
  6. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    post pics. :)
  7. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    No idea but it looked out of place there
  8. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    I finally got my Student ID today :) I can't believe i actually look good in my Student ID photo. I usally look like im high on Drivers licence / ID photos. Its prolly due to their new camera at FM assist.
  9. Omium

    Pope claims condoms aggravate AIDS

    I believe this is the appropriate thread for this :
  10. Omium

    you are at uni and where?

    I'm essentially at the Physics Study room for 70% of my free time. If you would like to study come there its very quiet and computers are nice
  11. Omium


    Aren't you the dude that wanted to download torrents and movies using uniwide ? Great, I can report you now and they will have a much better chance of catching you.
  12. Omium

    Math trick

    Consider your Calculator 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 Step 1 : Add the numbers vertically 741 + 147 + 852 + 258 + 963 + 369 = 3330 Step 2 : Add the numbers horizontally 789 +987 + 654 + 456 + 321 + 123 = 3330 Pretty cool huh ? Final trick: Step 1 : Add numbers diagonally...
  13. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    I always take a deep breath when i am walking near a smoker and then exhale when im out of distance.
  14. Omium

    rep me back. ;)

    rep me back. ;)
  15. Omium

    Why are softdrinks bad for you?

    I think its obvious that everything causes cancer.
  16. Omium

    Most Useful/Useless subject at UNSW

    Um, Isn't Mathematics essential for Economics ?
  17. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    Why ? what course you doing ? It takes a few weeks to adjust to the uni system of things, don't be fazed by the hectic style
  18. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    Ah, Would be nice. Also; would'nt it make a lot more sense if they: scheduled 60% of First year Classes at 9am 60% of Second Year Classes at 11am 60% third year classess at 12pm. Of those 40% remaining over from each they can then be re-distrubuted, i.e. some at 10am, others at 1pm...