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  1. Omium

    Most Useful/Useless subject at UNSW

    Oh, I want to do mman1300 next semester.... It sounded pretty interesting. You advise against it ?
  2. Omium

    Rules for UNSW students

    shinji is undercutting me. :(
  3. Omium

    Fury at filmmaker's virgin hunt

    I'm a tease you'll have to beg for a naked one ;)
  4. Omium

    Fury at filmmaker's virgin hunt

    Ill be there :wave:
  5. Omium

    Intermediate Japanese

    . If you don't like the course and feel its useless then drop it. Its very hard to stay motivated if you don't like/find interesting the thing you're studying.
  6. Omium

    General Engo Talk.

    Nice seeing ya today again, Uncle To all those who don't like vectors. The last 25-30% of MATH1131 = Vectors 60% MATH1231 = Vectors. This semester I'm finding it harder and harder to remember vector formulas. It's actually quite easy to derive them (they never told us how to...
  7. Omium

    Most Useful/Useless subject at UNSW

    Re: Most Useful/Useless course at UNSW ENGG1000 stuff is largely common sense useless stuff. "If you design something, design it good." er.
  8. Omium

    Rules for UNSW students

    I withdraw my prior statement. Interesting.
  9. Omium

    Rules for UNSW students

    I don't think thats really possible. Enough deoderant will get rid of the smell. When I'm at uni for >6 hours i always get deoderant with me.
  10. Omium

    What are some unsual things your lecturer/tutor/lab demonstrator said?

    Me: (Holding a hammer) Sir I'm trying to break apart the atoms in this piece of Iron. Demonstrator: That won't work, use this (hands me a chisel) :)
  11. Omium

    Rules for UNSW students

    My substitute math lecturer for MATH1231, kept asking us if we had done Integration. lol
  12. Omium

    General Engo Talk.

    Ahhh. Post stuff you don't understand and i will help. :)
  13. Omium

    Most Useful/Useless subject at UNSW

    Re: Most Useful/Useless course at UNSW I changed "course" to "subject" :)
  14. Omium

    Most Useful/Useless subject at UNSW

    Personally what have you found to be the best/worst subject you've done at UNSW.? Best : ENGG1811 Worst: ENGG1000
  15. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    I'm a heavy breather but i never notice :(
  16. Omium

    General Engo Talk.

    Well, I was initially doing: Chemical Engineering / Commerce Then after semester 1 i transferred to Chemical Engineering / Science Then this semester i dropped Chemical Engineering and stuck with Science.
  17. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Yo. I need some math help, Suppose that 'u' is orthogonal to 'v' Verify that ||u-v|| = ||u+v||
  18. Omium

    NRL is shit.

    Just let this thread die FFS. Its a uselss thread filled with mindless flaming.
  19. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    I didn't know you were that lazy lol. On a side note, Quad burgers are pretty sub-par for the price they sell for.