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  1. muzeikchun852

    Need Help on these questions!

    1) (i) you are right. - (ii) Mg > Zr > Zn > Ni - (iii) should be (-) 2 (a) it's right. (b) check you note. it should be something - radiation going in the tube. ionise the argon ion in the air, etc. 3 (a) it is an ester because it has the COOC group, but glycolic acid doesnt, so it's not an...
  2. muzeikchun852

    Should I do French Begginers?

    partly true. you memorise and then manipulate the structures and vocab you know to communicate to the marker.
  3. muzeikchun852

    Should I do French Begginers?

    learning a language means hard work. you need to constantly revise the vocabulary and structures so you can use it in different tasks. advantages of learning a language is that you won't need to study as much as you need to compare to other subjects, since you are doing the prep throughout the year.
  4. muzeikchun852

    Quick chemistry question

    break up the equation. cancel off the one doesn't change (i.e. aqueous solution stays as aqueous solution) then you get your ionic equation.
  5. muzeikchun852


    solve sin x = 1/4 there should be 6 answers. then divide all my 3.
  6. muzeikchun852

    Which subject scales the highest of them all?

    I know a person who does: - 3u english, 4u maths, 3u indonesian, economics. - 2u english, 4u maths, 3u latin, 3u japanese.
  7. muzeikchun852

    Periodic table history

    textbook is the best. go to your local or school library and pick up a copy of conquering chem or jacaranda.
  8. muzeikchun852

    Atar estimate help

    school rank? nevertheless - 95+
  9. muzeikchun852

    reduction formula

    I think it's u=the whole thing / v'=1
  10. muzeikchun852

    reduction formula

    tried that. doesn't really work. edit: it does.
  11. muzeikchun852

    What should I do?

    to tell you the truth - you are actually in the border line of doing extension. but why not? just choose extension for now and see how you cope with it. if its too much for you, you can drop it anytime. on a side note: you aren't allow to "go up to" extension once you chosen 2u.
  12. muzeikchun852

    Finished the courses by now ?

    Most of these work is done by myself lol. normally they will only be at: English: 80% 2U Maths: 100% 3U Maths: 80% 4U Maths: 75% 2/3 Japanese: 100% Chemistry: 78%
  13. muzeikchun852

    Finished the courses by now ?

    English: 85% 2/3U Maths: 100% 4U Maths: 95% 2/3U Japanese: 100% Chemistry: 80% I'm quite concern with my English and Chemistry - i don't think we are gonna make it before the trials. :uhoh: How about you?
  14. muzeikchun852

    Last term of Year 11

    you won't be excited once you know every single mark you earn will effect your hsc.
  15. muzeikchun852

    Part-time jobs during HSC

    I know a few friends who work in maccas. it takes about 3~10 hours a week and they manage their school work just fine.
  16. muzeikchun852

    Double degree advice.

    maths would be a complementary subject for actuarial.