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  1. muzeikchun852

    Dropping a subject now?

    you better drop it. getting 50s wont help you in any way.
  2. muzeikchun852

    Integration help

    yep. i think it's right.
  3. muzeikchun852

    Integration help

    im not sure whether im right but hopefully it helps. \int \frac{(sec^2 x)}{(3 + 4tan^2 x)} dx \\\\ =\int \frac{1}{(3 + 4tan^2 x)} d(tan x)\\\\=\frac{1}{4}\int \frac{1}{(\frac{3}{4} + tan^2 x)} d(tan x)\\\\=\frac{2}{\sqrt{3}}.\frac{1}{4}.\tan^{-1}(\frac{2tanx}{\sqrt{3}})+C
  4. muzeikchun852

    Probability using tree diagrams

    perms&comb would make this so much easier(:
  5. muzeikchun852

    Desired uni course.

    i see i see.
  6. muzeikchun852

    Desired uni course.

    ask before grouping :biggrin: "what did you get for your WAM?" "20"
  7. muzeikchun852

    Desired uni course.

    oh. but how does UTS make the courses more "practical" ? do they give you jobs between courses ? or maybe a year off to work ?
  8. muzeikchun852

    Desired uni course.

    i heard this too. but reputation-wise is not as good as USYD and UNSW.
  9. muzeikchun852

    hsc is making me fat

    i know what the pathetic people are doing tonight - read the complete thread in one go.
  10. muzeikchun852

    hsc is making me fat

    i think im in the late 170s - 180.
  11. muzeikchun852

    hsc is making me fat

    172 cm is relatively tall man. just under lol.
  12. muzeikchun852

    hsc is making me fat

    what's underweight?
  13. muzeikchun852

    hsc is making me fat

    i know all about junks. tim tam, ice cream, chocolate, fatty biscuit, sundae, chips, hot chips, pie..
  14. muzeikchun852

    hsc is making me fat

    yep and i think im relatively tall as well.
  15. muzeikchun852

    alright. comm/advanced maths sounds great and hope that i get in :D thanks for your help.

    alright. comm/advanced maths sounds great and hope that i get in :D thanks for your help.
  16. muzeikchun852

    Desired uni course.

    study just enough for the exam:)