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  1. muzeikchun852

    after the hsc?

    travel overseas.
  2. muzeikchun852

    Desired uni course.

    imagine the content that we have to learn in a semester :S
  3. muzeikchun852

    how about in maths?

    how about in maths?
  4. muzeikchun852

    Desired uni course.

    maths1141, acct 1501, etc.
  5. muzeikchun852

    in 1st year, is there any course that gives you a feel of what is like in that certain major...

    in 1st year, is there any course that gives you a feel of what is like in that certain major? e.g. in the commerce degree - acct1501, econ1101, mgmt1001, etc.
  6. muzeikchun852

    is it a good combo doing quantitative / actuarial ? well many people do it which mean there are...

    is it a good combo doing quantitative / actuarial ? well many people do it which mean there are some benefits right ?(:
  7. muzeikchun852

    but i heard that doing quantitative risk and actuarial are basically the same thing. true?

    but i heard that doing quantitative risk and actuarial are basically the same thing. true?
  8. muzeikchun852

    im actually considering quantitative risk/pure/finance/actuarial. but which major is better for...

    im actually considering quantitative risk/pure/finance/actuarial. but which major is better for the financial sector?
  9. muzeikchun852

    Desired uni course.

    no problem(:
  10. muzeikchun852

    Desired uni course.

    i just hope that bonus point's gonna get me over the cut-off. i think it's number of courses that you need to do - 6 UOC for one course or something.
  11. muzeikchun852

    hey. just saw your sign that you do commerce/advanced maths in unsw. im interested in that...

    hey. just saw your sign that you do commerce/advanced maths in unsw. im interested in that course as well. how is it?
  12. muzeikchun852

    Desired uni course.

    yeah. i want to do it in unsw too :D
  13. muzeikchun852

    Desired uni course.

    i finally know what to do(: b com/b adv maths.
  14. muzeikchun852

    Uni Course thread

    b com/b adv maths(:
  15. muzeikchun852

    Discussion- Quality of teaching at different schools

    English: Okay. Maths: Excellent. Science: Excellent. Social Science: Okay. History: Excellent. D+T: Okay. Art: N/A Music: Good. PE: Err.
  16. muzeikchun852

    How are you going to study for the trials this holidays?

    loads to do:- english: touch up my AOS and module essay + practice. maths: catch up hw + past paper japanese: catch up hw + past paper chemistry: finish note + past paper.
  17. muzeikchun852

    Do Year 11 marks count towards an ATAR?

    and the gap between ranks.
  18. muzeikchun852

    Quotes in notes

    That's how we learn it. :D
  19. muzeikchun852

    Quotes in notes

    nah. it's PEE. Point Example Explanation.
  20. muzeikchun852

    What scales better; Chemistry or Physics?

    Prelim Chem: little content, simply calculations. Prelim Phys: loads of content and relatively harder calculation compared to prelim chem. HSC Chem: - similar amount of content with hsc phys - more theory compared with prelim chem - still simply calculations - more about the environment and...