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  1. muzeikchun852

    What happens when?

    depends what's the worse mark in external.
  2. muzeikchun852

    Atar estimation please.

    even tho bad rank in japanese?
  3. muzeikchun852

    Atar estimation please.

    sorry to borrow your thread - can someone estimate mine please. school rank: 200s ESL: 1/31 3U Maths: 5/21 4U Maths: 1/11 2U Japanese: N/A - probably somewhere in the mid-range (Open High School) 3U Japanese: 14/26 (Open High School) Chemistry: 1/24
  4. muzeikchun852

    you want to be a vet ? it's nice to cuddle pet all day long - haha - no worries. you replied...

    you want to be a vet ? it's nice to cuddle pet all day long - haha - no worries. you replied at the end of the day(:
  5. muzeikchun852

    Western sydney career expo anyone going?

    dont have too much expectation about the lectures. but nevertheless it is a good place to gather info about uni and career stuff.
  6. muzeikchun852

    how many hours do you study a day?

    mine is the opposite. people in the low-mid range of the cohort actually started to have the motivation to finish their maths exercises during their frees. :)
  7. muzeikchun852

    how many hours do you study a day?

    same here. but my cohort is divided into categories -haha- there are the sciences + maths students and then there are the humanlities + english students.
  8. muzeikchun852

    how many hours do you study a day?

    mean - as in perception of others.
  9. muzeikchun852

    how many hours do you study a day?

    your cohort sounds like .. slack.
  10. muzeikchun852

    how many hours do you study a day?

    maybe i should say it clearer. im only getting 5 hrs of SLEEP during school days.
  11. muzeikchun852

    how many hours do you study a day?

    same with me. :) - high-five - im only getting 5 hrs during school days. :(
  12. muzeikchun852

    What does it "co-op" mean?

    it also requires an interview.
  13. muzeikchun852

    Finished all your coures and ready for trial ?

    billy elliot is one of the prescribed texts in the ESL course :)
  14. muzeikchun852

    Trial Timetable

    mine is all right. 12 exams/oral tasks in 12 days. 20th july - japanese continuers 1st august - english paper 1 2nd august - english paper 2 + listening paper 3th august - japanese extension 5th august - chemistry 6th august - hsc continuers oral 8th august - 4u maths 12th august - 3u maths...
  15. muzeikchun852

    Taking on further study during your senior years.

    I'm doing both Japanese Continuers and Extension via distance education - it's hard work. i have to work on my Japanese course work for every single free i have in year 11, or else i will need to make it up on the weekend. it also depends on how passionate are you to this subject. i chosen...
  16. muzeikchun852

    Finished all your coures and ready for trial ?

    im doing billy elliot. but im doing it in AOS.
  17. muzeikchun852

    Finished all your coures and ready for trial ?

    you finished everything? you can bludge the whole term then(: