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  1. K

    What do employers think of UWS?

    I'm on wikiwiki's side. I do believe that Western Sydney's reputation is not as good as the central uni's of sydney. Friends of mine currently at UWS already want to transfer and get out of that 'hole'. They feel that they are missing out on a lot such as facilities and societies offered in...
  2. K

    What do employers think of UWS?

    What the fuk
  3. K

    Home and Away

    Why did he leave? And why is the Flynn we have now leaving as well?
  4. K

    Home and Away

    Is this the man Joel McIlroy replaced for the character Flynn? Geez i haven't seen him for ages!
  5. K

    ECON 1002

    I think Atta has rescheduled everything one week earlier. For instance, the group presentations have been placed one week earlier than stated in the course outline. I'm guessing Atta is doing the same for Exam #2 so we can use the last week for revision. ... Someone should email him to confirm.
  6. K

    INFS 1000

    yea that's basically it. Anyone know how much this assignment is worth?
  7. K

    INFS 1000

    150 - 300 for each abstract. It's in the handout from week 2
  8. K

    Anyone done exchange in the US?

    Are you going to study at NY?? OMG, i'm so jealous!
  9. K

    The Debate...UNSW or USyd??

    international azns piss me off the most!!
  10. K

    The Debate...UNSW or USyd??

    UNSW is a hole!... too many azns! (even though i am one)
  11. K

    CA achiever program

    Are you 1st or 2nd year student?
  12. K

    INFS 1000

    got 99%... where could that 1% possibly have went?!?
  13. K

    INFS 1000

    ... it's working now Jesus, average is almost 75%!
  14. K

    INFS 1000

    He was suppose to release them last friday -_-" I'm expecting a lot of people to get 15/15...
  15. K

    Hurricane Katrina

    I've heard that Oprah just donated $10 million to support the victims of Hurrican Katrina.
  16. K

    Semester 2 exam timetable

    omg... already....
  17. K

    ECON 1002

    I like Atta's approach of lecturing. But his accent and writing is so unbearable...
  18. K

    ECON 1002

    OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!! WHAT DA FARK!!! I CANT believe!!!! I PASSED!!!!!!! I expected something like 3/15 !!! I'm so out of Joy!!!! ..... Congrats to sarevok
  19. K

    rob schneider at manning

    Take some photos and post them here!!!
  20. K

    Ecmt 1020

    Check ur emails