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  1. K

    Ecmt 1020

    Where the hell have u guys been?
  2. K

    Most Beautiful Women

    Then how about BEYONCE !!!
  3. K

    Most Beautiful Women

    Paris Hilton is not on the list?
  4. K

    Ecmt 1020

    Your email doesnt seem to work
  5. K

    Ecmt 1020

    what week/s?
  6. K

    ACCT 1B

    Thanks Brogan!!
  7. K

    ACCT 1B

    Woohoo... my team went from Bankrupt to Buy !!
  8. K

    ECON 1002

    Yea i was there i stream 2 lecture. Once i came in, i found myself in a warzone between two parties screaming the shit out of each other.
  9. K

    ACCT 1B

    $900 for adventures? err.... did they even make a profit?
  10. K

    ECON 1002

    Omg..... one of the worst exams i've ever done. Big lesson for me to start attending lectures.
  11. K

    ECON 1002

  12. K

    ECON 1002

    In lecture 9, slide 42... are all the diagrams 1/x curves? I didnt go to this lecture...
  13. K

    CSP HECS vs Full Fee Local...Which is more $$$?

    Apparently, i'm paying up-front with the 20% discount. I have not found anyone paying up-front... am i missing something?
  14. K

    CLAW1001 assignment

    H69 is the economics and business building
  15. K

    ECON 1002

    Let's ask Atta
  16. K

    ECON 1002

    I would. It's the last question of the assignment. I would think it's the hardest question thus needing a bit of research :)
  17. K

    ECON 1002

    no of course not...... i dont know... i'm very tired at the moment!
  18. K

    ECON 1002

    I'm still trying to work out the puzzle as well. Rorix previously said that the puzzle could be someone who hasnt done economics would do. By comparing the the two different consumption functions, the difference in GDP is 625 and national saving is 50. That looks like a puzzle to
  19. K

    ECON 1002

    OMG.... nevermind. Atta has written it Y* = 1/(1-b)[ca+1] which looks like 1 divided by the denominator (1-b)[ca+1]....... but it is in fact [1/(1-b)] x [Ca + 1].... ffs
  20. K

    ECON 1002

    Refer to previous posts. I'm almost too embarassed to ask, but in regards lecture 10 slide 9, how did Atta get: (1 - b)Y = Ca + I to Y* = 1/(1-b)[Ca + I) .... and Y* is equilibrium income right?! o.O