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  1. K

    What do you look for in the opposite sex?

    ... the hair...
  2. K

    So, will YOU be donating money to the richest economy in the world?

    If Australia donates money to America, wont that make the AUS Dollar weaker because it's being injected into the US economy?
  3. K

    Achievements at school = higher employment opportunities later in life?

    Yea but a lot of people change since high school. They can be followers back in high school but learnt to grow out of thier childness during uni and grew up to be great leaders.
  4. K

    ECON 1002

    Isnt it decreased inflation that stimulates people to consume more (cheaper goods)?
  5. K

    ECON 1002

    Good Boy!.... xiao: Until you defected?
  6. K

    ECON 1002

  7. K

    ECON 1002

    I dont even know most of the stuff 011 and sarevok was debating about!
  8. K

    ECON 1002

    What's all that? Who says we need to derive 'v'? We're comparing and contrasting neoclassical and accelerator.
  9. K

    ECON 1002

    Out of topic... What's the difference between Commerce and Commerce Lib Studies sarevok?
  10. K

    ECON 1002

    I'm confused. Are you referring to question 4?
  11. K

    ECON 1002

    From memory, NT = T - transfer payments. Also, about my previous post about question 4 not explicitly assuming that M = 0. Since NX = X - M, it is obvious that M has to = to 0 for X to be "net exports" as written in the question.
  12. K

    ECON 1002

    Yes, there's 10 multiple choice questions. I think question 4 is stupid. It's assuming that imports equals zero which is unrealistic in an economy. If X > M, without assuming import is 0, then net exports should be written as NX in the question, not just X. ... i don't think i just made...
  13. K

    ECON 1002

    i dont know as to whether the "x" should be treated as net exports. I emailed atta and he said "Write down the definition of NX and your question will be answered."
  14. K

    ECON 1002

    I did a mistake for national saving. I got 343.33 now
  15. K

    ECON 1002

    I got: 4a) 2416.66 b) 3,889.99 ~Urgh.... looks wrong EDIT: if you havent noticed already, X = 50 - 0.02Y, as it was changed this morning.
  16. K

    ECON 1002

    I was just about to email Atta about this. If foreign trading is not considered in the economy, then "x" wouldn't matter in the calculation. But if foreign trading is considered, then the "x" should be net exports, otherwise there will be two unknown variables in calculation.
  17. K

    ECON 1002

    It doesn't directly give you an answer, but it somewhat gives you a hint.
  18. K

    ECON 1002

    refer to notes in lecture 3
  19. K

    ECON 1002

    Yes, the three equations are correct. As to your first question, i have no idea. In 3a), how the heck do you get rid of M (imports) in the GDP equation?!? ECONOMICS :chainsaw:
  20. K

    ECON 1002

    I am very stupid in economics. The assignment is likely to take my entire week ~!! So i better start now.