Search results

  1. _dhj_

    Who do you think is the Greatest Australian Prime Minister?

    Why don't you ask the expert on who breeds hysteria and the circumstances in which they breed. Seriously Howard is a genius. Conservative governments around the world take lessons from his spin-doctors.
  2. _dhj_

    Who do you think is the Greatest Australian Prime Minister?

    Gough is the obvious choice here, although it's hard to look past Howard for pure evilness.
  3. _dhj_

    Do You Support the Death Penalty?

    Why not? A life's worth is seriously overrated.
  4. _dhj_

    Subject Reviews (with PDF compilation)

    Re: Subject Reviews - UPDATED WITH .PDF on first post ACCT1001 - Accounting IA Ease: 7 Lecturer: 7 Interest: 3 Overall: 5 ACCT1002 - Accounting IB Ease: 7.5 Lecturer: 6 Interest: 3.5 Overall: 5 INFS1000 - Business Information Systems Foundations Ease: 9 Lecturer: 6 Interest: 2...
  5. _dhj_

    Question about B Laws (Graduate Entry)

    Obviously it would be the former since "Graduate" Law is for graduates.
  6. _dhj_

    Capitalism or Communism?

    Well no it's not flat because low income earners have a higher marginal propensity to consume. An aim of taxation is income distribution in a way which maximises utility. A regressive system does the opposite.
  7. _dhj_

    The HSC is unfair because....

    The HSC is unfair because life is unfair.
  8. _dhj_

    Capitalism or Communism?

    Both income tax and sales tax affect incentive to work and incentive to buy, but the degree to which they decrease incentives should not be exaggerated. If people don't earn enough (due to taxes), or if prices rise (due to taxes), they may well work harder to earn what they require rather than...
  9. _dhj_

    Wat's the advantage to combine Commerce with Law?

    There's also the fact that Asian parents would never kick their kid outta their house.
  10. _dhj_

    Commerce: UNSW or Sydney?

    You pretty much can. There are still a lot of asians at usyd. Not much difference/depends on individual. 1000th post.
  11. _dhj_

    Cutoff Trends

    lawl won't you gonna kill the hsc? 99.2 poor effort...
  12. _dhj_

    Commerce: UNSW or Sydney?

    Yes there's more to the asian/white divide but it's not the negligible difference in the uai cut-off. For example in UNSW people are more religious and more populist - the asian-christianity community is prevalent, whereas USyd is more secular and the populist mentality isn't as strong. Also...
  13. _dhj_

    An alternative choice - UWS Law

    Re: If you want to do law / think you might not get in That's not really the case. "In defence of UWS" posts just aren't that interesting to read.
  14. _dhj_

    Doing honours at a different uni

    I think that's because you used to be able to do LLM without doing an LLB - the prerequisite is something else. Not 100% sure about that one.
  15. _dhj_

    University for finance, commerce and law?

    Go to yoosid cos you sound like someone who'd fit into the snotty "investment banking crew".
  16. _dhj_

    Exam Results - Implications

    Lol that's classic :p. I'm surprised that there's so little love for torts. I mean don't any of you get excited over the idea of negligence, personal injury, heads of damages etc.? I guess not then. :(
  17. _dhj_

    Commerce: UNSW or Sydney?

    Why would you go to a less prestigious uni that's further away from where you live?
  18. _dhj_

    An alternative choice - UWS Law

    tbh the content is more important than the title. ...and a title like that could be appropriate as intro of a radio advert for the UWS law school.
  19. _dhj_

    Exam Results - Implications

    Holy crap c_james how can you find Torts boring? I thought it was a brilliant subject.
  20. _dhj_

    An alternative choice - UWS Law

    It is an option without a doubt, but original post seems like an advert for UWS rather than genuine advice.