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  1. Scissors

    David Oldfield One nation dude

    AHAHAHAHAHAH! fuck. he should call back.
  2. Scissors

    David Oldfield One nation dude

    did you hear mine yesterday? i was the guy talking about pets dying and not giving a shit. the cunt disconnected me before i got into the funny shit!
  3. Scissors

    David Oldfield One nation dude

    he must've said a rude word.
  4. Scissors

    David Oldfield One nation dude

    fuck, justin got disconnected!
  5. Scissors

    David Oldfield One nation dude

    AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA! alright guys, i'm on.
  6. Scissors

    David Oldfield One nation dude

    is his name gonna be justin?
  7. Scissors

    David Oldfield One nation dude

    guys, before you get on, state your name. mine's gonna be adam.
  8. Scissors

    David Oldfield One nation dude

    hey guys, i dunno if i'm on the right channel. is he talking about prime minister clarke now?
  9. Scissors

    Food that taste better raw than cooked

    kekekeke kevin, you're soo naughty! kevin definitively tastes better raw... kekekeke
  10. Scissors

    Does a girl look more beautiful when she's in love?

    going off your av: quite wrinkly.
  11. Scissors

    When do we get ranks??

    wait, is that right? do we really get our ranks on the 13th? do we also get to see the ranks of our peers?
  12. Scissors

    David Oldfield One nation dude

    any ideas what dave's gonna be talking about tonight?
  13. Scissors

    Food that taste better raw than cooked

    eggs. no joke. taste like vanilla
  14. Scissors

    David Oldfield One nation dude

    nice. can someone record it tonight? i can't listen on the net for some reason.
  15. Scissors

    David Oldfield One nation dude

    i am. who else is?
  16. Scissors

    Barack Obama - 44th President of the USA

    I'd definitely nail palin. :)
  17. Scissors

    Barack Obama - 44th President of the USA

    i don't know. i really can't believe that palin didn't know that africa was a continent, rather than a country. that's just impossible.
  18. Scissors

    David Oldfield One nation dude

    man! i was gonna troll dave so much more if he didn't cut me off. i was gonna tell him a story about a cat that died at my house once and we just simply chopped it up to save some room in the garbage bin. i'll troll him again tonight.