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  1. E

    Who's going to the BusinessWelcome tomorrow?

    Damn i missed the lunch....what was it?
  2. E


    yeah it's gross...i'm gonna stick to my $4.95 collins pocket diary thanks.
  3. E

    Engineering week 0

    Hey i'm wondering the same thing too....i think there's some shiz in week 0 for comp1911 peeps.
  4. E

    Who's going to the BusinessWelcome tomorrow?

    That was fairly boring...That woman who spoke after the dean wasn't loud enough(i was at the back).
  5. E


    inside of back cover is some lexmark/unsw tv ad....ourside back is ad for anz prepaid visa.
  6. E

    Faculty of Law welcome same time as Engineering Welcome! Question is, which one?

    Yeah the welcomes are pretty damn boring....i walked out halfway through mine.
  7. E


    Yeah you can get ur (ad filled) diary from the side of the clancy auditorium near FM assist.
  8. E

    How was your first day of O week?

    Yeah i didn't really meet anyone properly either. Kind of wandered around aimlessly searching for free shit.
  9. E

    Text books

    on the UNSW bookshop site it says that that Calculus text is you have to get all prescribed books? Do lecturers even refer to that text?
  10. E


    is ur dp from fallout 3?
  11. E

    Text books

    So the math calculus text is not worth it? I'll probably get the physics one though due to the recommendations by some BoS users.
  12. E

    uni questions! please help!

    Join Date: Nov 2007 Took a while for the dormant troll to awaken :devil:
  13. E

    "Stephenie Meyers can't write" - Stephen King

    Stephen King is the man. He's not afraid of telling it how he sees it. (Probably wants to go out with a bang)
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    That was an error, she was probably referring to NSW universities.
  15. E

    How to get started now?

    Dunno, maybe start programming?
  16. E

    Where will you sit in the first lecture?

    row 4, seat 12
  17. E

    most effective horror movie

    You have got to be kidding...this movie was an effective HORROR movie (until the ending of course, where it got a bit cheesy)....the type of horror that disturbs you is infinitely better than the type that grosses you out.
  18. E

    Text books

    Hey thanks! Just curious: what's a "course reader"?
  19. E

    Your feelings towards internationals.

    Good insight, but please type in paragraphs next time. :wave:
  20. E

    Uni Questions

    don't take OP seriously. He is satirising 08'ers (and seems like he already attends uni from the adivce he's given out in the past).