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  1. Bunny04

    Win a Date With Tad Hamilton

    Oh yeah, i saw it at the movies when it came out.. total piece of rubbish. Really rather pathetic... has to be one of the worst teen flicks i've seen... a bit of a dissapointment really from the directors of Legally Blonde 1.
  2. Bunny04

    American Idol 4

    American idol 4^*blinks*
  3. Bunny04

    copycat thread - $30,000 - what car would u buy

    a cute original Mini Cooper (not the new ones although they are really nice ^_^ and more like 39 000 But yeah )
  4. Bunny04

    whats the longest you left your book un-finished for?

    The Bourne Supremacy.. and Isabelle Carmody the Kingdom something.. .havent touched the Bourne Supremacy in about 9 months or so, isabelle, a year i think
  5. Bunny04

    What Do you expect for this year tax return?

    I havent worked out my tax return for this year.. but im hoping it can help me go overseas ^_^ tee hee :P
  6. Bunny04

    Movie with the crappest ending?

    Matrix Revolutions - really a crap ending to a triology.. . 'Did you do that...? " " I made that for Neo..' *points to the sunrise*
  7. Bunny04

    Totally screwed for all theory aspects

    Oh okies - i think i may have had your teacher in year 11- she used to teach at Newtown.. i cant remember her name ^_^ and no probs, just good luck for everything! :D
  8. Bunny04

    The PAU/The Arts Unit Thread: Music

    Nope,.... im not in PAU .. ^_^ just heard you were doing that piece ^_^ caprccio is easy.. dont worry bout it and i play cello :P :chainsaw:
  9. Bunny04

    Skool Cert affects HSC?

    The school certificate will NOT effect your School marks for your HSC or exam marks... it is a completely seperate exam... your class marks are based on year 12 not year 11 work especially not year 10 .. ^_^;; depending on how your class went in the school certificate may have some type of...
  10. Bunny04

    [B]How much can your hand handle?[/B]

    More practice... more you can get done.. i got through in english AOS -- 3 booklets.. of 8 pages each for One essay ! ^_^ Go the pieces of twine)
  11. Bunny04

    Totally screwed for all theory aspects

    heh... sounds a lot like my school- what school you at... --- Don't stress.. we didnt touch Major or Core Appreciation till after hte actual Performacne HSC, and we all pulled it off... For Rooster: I suggest you study background of hte Era.. the 1960's -- Rock and Roll, drugs ...
  12. Bunny04

    What do you like/dislike about your job?

    Yup, i have scars from those damned paper cuts... (thats after working there for a year now ) Tis a very boring job.. good pay though ^_^
  13. Bunny04


    It can be really good, and it can be shit at the same time.. but i have to say the majority of Encore 2004 Were extremely good and talented.! :D:D In previous years i have wondered wether twas picked just for show.
  14. Bunny04

    Best Trilogy

    Star wars!!!:D (the original IV V VI ) The new ones are crap but meh gonna see III anyways .
  15. Bunny04

    Increasing HECS

    If they increase the HECS for next year those that entered 1st year 2005 Wont be included, they stick with the old regime so thankgod..! :D
  16. Bunny04

    where did u go to school

    Went to the Aussie Institute of Music and Bridgo College Randwick.
  17. Bunny04

    Extension pieces (solo and ensemble)

    Harry Villa Lobos- The jet Whistle duo for Flute and Cello Mvt 1 -3 (fits in time slot- i did it for my hsc on cello ensemble piece) Mozart Piano Quartet in Gminor - Mvt 1 (ensemble) Fauré - Eleige (cant spell :P ^_^ ) Which is solo cello Shostakovich Cello / piano Sonata in Dminor...
  18. Bunny04

    The PAU/The Arts Unit Thread: Music

    pieces at the moment are annoyingly annoying... Cappricio espagnol right?
  19. Bunny04

    Class sizes in your grade?

    We had 2 in year 11 and then it dropped down to none, we both dropped the subject for year 12. Not bad considering we had a school size of 32 - ( 12 People in year 12 2004 )
  20. Bunny04

    Schapelle Corby - Innocent or Gulity?

    Schappelle may not be guilty at all, BUT what has the media done.. Since the first day of the trial in Bali.. We have seen headlines. "OUR AUSSIE GIRL STUCK BEHIND BARS FOR NOTHING... CRYING SCHAPPELLE" etc... Would you really think people would be saying the same thing if it were a aussie...