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  1. Dash

    was religion counted in your uai?

    Mine wasn't counted at all I shouldn't have studied for it!! arhghghghgh...
  2. Dash

    Money spent on tuition

    Funny how that works... I had a couple of tutes for 4u maths and it was my worst sub as well :p
  3. Dash

    usyd open day

    Whatever tickles your fancy... Im just giving my input :p
  4. Dash

    first yr subjects in commerce

    Transferring is my main option ;) Do we need a credit average to transfer into it if our UAI is 90+?
  5. Dash

    All Rounders Evening

    I didn't know you were an all rounder Tenax... Wherez ur name in the paper?
  6. Dash

    Are u studying in holz?

    Don't study over the holidays... Enjoy!!
  7. Dash

    Best games of the century

    Warcraft Starcraft Counter Strike
  8. Dash

    Money spent on tuition

    Hmmm... I'd say around about 1000 to 1500 bucks... Personally, tutors are useless if you're not willing to learn.
  9. Dash

    Noooo, we lost da test!!

    Looks like they're gunna lose this one :(
  10. Dash

    ...Lord Of The Rings...

    LOL :rofl: That was a killa :p
  11. Dash

    LOTR movie marathon

    Better get sum coffee into ya for that...
  12. Dash

    usyd open day

    I reckon its way too early for 2004ers to go to the open days unless you have a good idea what you want to do. I went last year while in yr11 and I ended up doing nothing :p
  13. Dash


    In short: They are put at a certain altitude I believe that allows them to have a period of 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds. Scientists use kepler's law of periods to determine it
  14. Dash

    Note Taking.

    Study notes should always be done on pieces of paper (A4 preferably) Reason being so that you can add more info to ur existing notes as you learn
  15. Dash

    what does qualitively mean?

    OR simply Qualitatively = describe using comparisons and descriptions :p Quantitively = describe using numbers and equations
  16. Dash

    dangers of atmospheric reentry

    If you have the Jacaranda metalicarulez... you shouldn't have any troubles in discussing what Suvat is explaining :)
  17. Dash

    so what kind of news do u prefer?

    I prefer "The Naked News" on the comedy channel :)
  18. Dash

    lord of the rings-return of the kings

    The books rip the movies... But in its own element... the movie rips all others :p
  19. Dash

    What didn't count?

    1 unit of studies of religion
  20. Dash

    Monash (Melb) Med

    Can't be bothered reading everything here... but Monash is HUGE!!! :p