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  1. Dash

    Excellent Physics Book At A Bargain Price!!!

    hah... I have that book as well... So yeh, anyone that wants it... im here :D
  2. Dash

    It's official!

    It was probably Sique
  3. Dash

    2003 UAIs

    There are so many 99z this year!
  4. Dash

    It's official!

    But he said that he got 99.95 Oh gawd it feels good typing down that kinda of UAI :p
  5. Dash

    so what time can we get our UAI's?

  6. Dash

    2003 HSC Marks

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
  7. Dash

    question about simultaneity

    You could say that in a way, but we don't say that person A standing on the left of you is in a different frame of reference to person B is standing over on the right. Frames of references are used to tell us whether a person is accelerating or at constant velocity. A person subject to...
  8. Dash

    Survivor: Whos gonna win and your favourite survior

    When is the next survivor?
  9. Dash

    Noooo, we lost da test!!

    Dravid is such a sick kunt~!
  10. Dash

    The Lord Of The Rings

    I find it so hard to read the books. Reading the first two took agez... and don't get me started on the last one :(
  11. Dash

    Heart Of Darkness

    I found the book incredibly boring when I was reading it in yr 11 for a prescribed text. But now the language and content appeals to me quite a bit :p
  12. Dash

    Survivor : Pearl Islands

    Hah... agreed! The thing that really pissed me off was how she read her letter infront of the camera. What a fake, dumb, pathetic, attention seeking, old, ugly bitch... I think I've made my opinion clear...... again... :p
  13. Dash

    Survivor : Pearl Islands

    I also wanted him to win... Better him than that bitch Lill Shez such a fake... and a stupid idiot I might add...
  14. Dash

    interesting fact about busos this year in the HSC

    Sheesh... I seriously hope not :(
  15. Dash

    interesting fact about busos this year in the HSC

    It could just be a pathetic rumour conjured simply to make us try hards feel better :p:D:p
  16. Dash

    Survivor : Pearl Islands

    Whats up with rupert??? Why is he at a disadvantage??? Sumone explain :p
  17. Dash

    Happy with ur marks? post it here!

    Hah... therez a little competition on who will be the one to post the first "2003 UAI's" thread :p I think your a little too early swordfish :p
  18. Dash

    marks in paper

    Yeh, your UAI is confidential. No one besides you will know it :D So errr... you can lie about it if u want *evil grin*
  19. Dash

    2002 Distinguished Achievers list (as an MS Excel file)

    Didn't he say already? 0.7 or something...
  20. Dash

    marks in paper

    Yeh, those who get 90+ in subjects are in the paper...... from what I remember :confused: :p