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  1. Dash

    Iraq War

    I still get the feeling that there is sum underlying propaganda going on with this war. More troops are being killed now than when the war was at its peak :confused: I dunno, it just seems so strange to me.
  2. Dash

    hrm, not sure about this:

    Sum advice for you (and I don't mean to be picky). Never assume that you will do heaps good in a subject. Cos once you screw it up, you feel like you screwed up ur UAI. Its what happen to me in a subject :p I took it for granted that I would do extemely well in it, so I didn't work that...
  3. Dash

    "You and Your UAI" booklet 2003?

  4. Dash

    how much does 4u get scaled????

    If anyone has the 4u Excel Fast track book they can check. Its got a page there where it shows the max and minimum scores of each of the HSC examinations.
  5. Dash

    study periods

    Hahahaha... the good old days
  6. Dash

    LOTR movie marathon

    I don't think that I'll last the LOTR marathon :( I've watched the first two movies a hundred times over. I'll be asleep by the time the last one is on. Sitting on a seat for 10 hours is crazy anyway! Screw that~!
  7. Dash

    how much does 4u get scaled????

    Yeh, there really is no way to tell how much a 4u test will be scaled since it depends on a number of factors. The markers decide what raw mark is needed to get a band 6 depending on what the rest of the candidature get along with the difficulty of the test. I think those are the factors they...
  8. Dash

    some questions

    LOL.... ahhh I miss the tension..... *somewhat* :p Good luck :D
  9. Dash


    Do you guys hook up using server query??
  10. Dash

    Do you leave assignments till the last minute?

    Have a nicotine patch...
  11. Dash

    School Uniforms

    That just looks ugly...
  12. Dash

    This has probably been answered b4... but....

    I want to do engineering/commerce... But I think I mite just miss out on the insane UAI needed (96-ish) :p I heard that the uni is/has recently allowed for this double degree. Now, is it possible to do engineering for the first year and apply for the double degree in the second?
  13. Dash

    probability question please help

    Go the actuary and their fetish for probability!! :p
  14. Dash

    UTS revision course

    I went to a lecture at Sydney Uni some time back, a course lecture. Out of the 4 modules they revised... only 2 were useful. The others were so shit. So go figure. But what are they gunna revise? Most people are still on their first module.
  15. Dash

    some questions

    Ok... this is off the top of my head, so elaborate on this... What you described I guess is ok. But then again, I'm not sure what else to include. I suggest putting detailed explanations in what you already have down. This question is answered in this thread...
  16. Dash

    Christina Aguilera - STRIPPED

    My thoughts on Christina Aguilera???? Shez fully sexable :D
  17. Dash

    did all those other posts get chopped?

    What other posts?????
  18. Dash

    img tags not working for me

    I don't think you can do it anymore... Only if you have it saved somewhere else on the net can u make it show up in your post...
  19. Dash

    Havent started

    If you are struggline with the concepts of 4u it is highly recommended that you get a tutor. They will make you work and at the same time explain concepts to you which will save time. (something that you need :p)
  20. Dash

    interesting fact about busos this year in the HSC

    I heard it from a friend of a friend of a friend as well...